Volume 62, 1966

Reactions of cyclic alkyl radicals. Part 1.—Methyl-radical-sensitized decomposition of cyclopropane carboxyldehyde


The methyl-radical-induced decomposition of cyclopropane-carboxaldehyde has been studied in the temperature range 100–200°C in order to investigate the use of the aldehyde as a source of cyclopropyl radicals. Decarbonylation of the cyclopropylcarbonyl radical although not complete is extensive and cyclopropyl radicals are produced. Cyclopropyl radicals react by hydrogen atom abstraction from the aldehyde and by combination with methyl radicals. About 10 % of the cyclopropyl radicals formed react by ring fission to form allyl radicals. These radicals undergo combination reactions with methyl radicals and, to a small extent, abstract hydrogen atoms from the aldehyde. An activation energy of ca. 20 kcal mole–1 has been estimated for the ring fission of the cyclopropyl radical. Arrhenius parameters are reported (based on a value of 1013.34 mole–1 cm3 sec–1 for the rate of combination of methyl radicals) for the following reactions: [graphic omitted]

Article information

Article type

Trans. Faraday Soc., 1966,62, 3338-3344

Reactions of cyclic alkyl radicals. Part 1.—Methyl-radical-sensitized decomposition of cyclopropane carboxyldehyde

G. Greig and J. C. J. Thynne, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1966, 62, 3338 DOI: 10.1039/TF9666203338

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