Themed collection Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

58 items

Use of some cost-effective technologies for a routine clinical pathology laboratory

Cost-effective technologies allow >85% economical savings, making clinical pathology more accessible worldwide.

Graphical abstract: Use of some cost-effective technologies for a routine clinical pathology laboratory
From the themed collection: #RSCPoster Conference
Open Access Perspective

Bifurcations in flows of complex fluids around microfluidic cylinders

We review recent work examining flow asymmetries observed for viscoelastic shear-thinning fluids around obstacles in microchannels, and provide a mechanism for the instability.

Graphical abstract: Bifurcations in flows of complex fluids around microfluidic cylinders
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Open Access Perspective

Standardisation needs for organ on chip devices

Standards can demonstrate technological and biological relevance, increase industry implementation and support regulatory acceptance. This article will give you an overview on the state of play and future needs in standardisation for OoC.

Graphical abstract: Standardisation needs for organ on chip devices
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Recent progress on wearable point-of-care devices for ocular systems

Eyes have remarkable potential as biological sensing sites for various physical factors and biomarkers, which makes contact lens sensors a promising platform for a wearable point-of-care device for monitoring and diagnosis of diseases.

Graphical abstract: Recent progress on wearable point-of-care devices for ocular systems
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Critical Review

Bridging the gap between development of point-of-care nucleic acid testing and patient care for sexually transmitted infections

Toward tackling the ongoing epidemic of sexually transmitted infections, this review aims to bridge the gap between researchers who develop nucleic acid amplification-based point-of-care tests and end-users who need such tests.

Graphical abstract: Bridging the gap between development of point-of-care nucleic acid testing and patient care for sexually transmitted infections
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Open Access Critical Review

On-chip miRNA extraction platforms: recent technological advances and implications for next generation point-of-care nucleic acid tests

Circulating microRNAs (or miRNAs) can be extracted from bodily fluids using off-chip or on-chip sample processing platforms that hold the key to the next generation of diagnostic and predictive nucleic acid tests.

Graphical abstract: On-chip miRNA extraction platforms: recent technological advances and implications for next generation point-of-care nucleic acid tests
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Critical Review

Point-of-care diagnostics: recent developments in a pandemic age

This article reviews the rapid and unprecedented development, scaleup and deployment of POC devices in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications for the future of diagnostics and digital health.

Graphical abstract: Point-of-care diagnostics: recent developments in a pandemic age
From the themed collection: Miniaturised Sensors & Diagnostics
Critical Review

Microfluidic single-cell transcriptomics: moving towards multimodal and spatiotemporal omics

This review summarizes typical microfluidic platforms for isolation and transcriptomic analysis of single cells and highlights recent advances in microfluidic single-cell transcriptomics including multimodal omics and spatiotemporal transcriptomics.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic single-cell transcriptomics: moving towards multimodal and spatiotemporal omics
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Critical Review

Miniaturized single-cell technologies for monoclonal antibody discovery

To discover Ag-specific mAbs using miniaturized single-cell technologies, cells are: (i) confined, (ii) identified, (iii) retrieved, and (iv) sequenced.

Graphical abstract: Miniaturized single-cell technologies for monoclonal antibody discovery
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Critical Review

Advances in microfluidic extracellular vesicle analysis for cancer diagnostics

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by cells into the bloodstream and other bodily fluids, including exosomes, have been demonstrated to be a class of significant messengers that mediate intercellular communications.

Graphical abstract: Advances in microfluidic extracellular vesicle analysis for cancer diagnostics
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Critical Review

A technology of a different sort: microraft arrays

Microraft arrays an analysis and isolation platform enable a wide range of strategies to be used when separating biological entities.

Graphical abstract: A technology of a different sort: microraft arrays
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Critical Review

Unconventional acoustic approaches for localized and designed micromanipulation

We highlight recent acoustofluidic advances that demonstrate versatility for activities beyond periodic patterning in pressure nodes.

Graphical abstract: Unconventional acoustic approaches for localized and designed micromanipulation
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Critical Review

Recent innovations in cost-effective polymer and paper hybrid microfluidic devices

This article reviews recent innovations in cost-effective polymer and paper hybrid microfluidic devices and their biological and biomedical applications.

Graphical abstract: Recent innovations in cost-effective polymer and paper hybrid microfluidic devices
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Critical Review

Microfluidic enhancement of self-assembly systems

A review of the advances in supramolecular chemistry achieved by the application of continuous and dispersed microfluidic approaches.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic enhancement of self-assembly systems
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Critical Review

Bubbles in microfluidics: an all-purpose tool for micromanipulation

We critically review the extensive applications and the frontline advances of bubbles in microfluidics for manipulation.

Graphical abstract: Bubbles in microfluidics: an all-purpose tool for micromanipulation
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Optofluidic ptychography on a chip

We demonstrate high-resolution ptychographic imaging in a flow cytometer configuration. The device complements the miniaturization provided by microfluidics and allows the integration of ptychographic microscopy into various lab-on-a-chip systems.

Graphical abstract: Optofluidic ptychography on a chip
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Microfluidic generation of ATPS droplets by transient double emulsion technique

The transient double emulsion technique can produce highly uniform ATPS droplets with tunable stability by introducing a middle oil phase. The middle oil phase promotes the generation of ATPS droplets and controls their generation frequency and size.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic generation of ATPS droplets by transient double emulsion technique
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Analysis of the effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor expression on cancer cell invasion via three-dimensional microfluidic invasion assays

We studied the effect of AHR expression on metastasis using cell invasion in digital microfluidic microgel systems (CIMMS), which provided a unique combination of functional discrimination with transcriptome profiling of sub-populations of cells.

Graphical abstract: Analysis of the effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor expression on cancer cell invasion via three-dimensional microfluidic invasion assays
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Volumeless reagent delivery: a liquid handling method for adding reagents to microscale droplets without increasing volume

We report a versatile method for delivering reagents into microscale droplets without increasing volume.

Graphical abstract: Volumeless reagent delivery: a liquid handling method for adding reagents to microscale droplets without increasing volume
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Aptamer selection against alpha-defensin human neutrophil peptide 1 on an integrated microfluidic system for diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infections

An automated process was carried out on an integrated microfluidic system that featured SELEX 1) a positive + negative + competitive selection on a single chip and 2) aptamer-based ELISA-like assay for detection of PJI positive and negative samples.

Graphical abstract: Aptamer selection against alpha-defensin human neutrophil peptide 1 on an integrated microfluidic system for diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infections
From the themed collection: Miniaturised Sensors & Diagnostics

Electronic measurement of cell antigen expression in whole blood

A magnetophoretic cytometry chip with integrated purification and multiplexed readout for membrane antigen expression in hematological samples.

Graphical abstract: Electronic measurement of cell antigen expression in whole blood
From the themed collection: Microfluidics for hematology

Neural network-enhanced real-time impedance flow cytometry for single-cell intrinsic characterization

We propose to employ NN-enhanced IFC to achieve both real-time single-cell intrinsic characterization and intrinsic metric-based cell classification at high throughput.

Graphical abstract: Neural network-enhanced real-time impedance flow cytometry for single-cell intrinsic characterization
From the themed collection: AI in Microfluidics
Open Access Paper

A sample-to-answer electrochemical biosensor system for biomarker detection

We interfaced with a painless blood collection device and integrated on-chip blood-to-plasma separation with an electronic bead-based biomarker detection assay to enable true sample-to-answer detection of biomarkers.

Graphical abstract: A sample-to-answer electrochemical biosensor system for biomarker detection
From the themed collection: Miniaturised Sensors & Diagnostics

Microfluidic acoustic sawtooth metasurfaces for patterning and separation using traveling surface acoustic waves

We demonstrate microfluidic acoustic sawtooth-like metasurfaces that create steerable acoustofluidic fields for microscale patterning and separation.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic acoustic sawtooth metasurfaces for patterning and separation using traveling surface acoustic waves
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Small intestinal sampling capsule for inflammatory bowel disease type detection and management

A non-invasive sampling capsule is introduced to site-selectively collect calprotectin biomarker from the small intestine. This approach can be accompanied with the fecal calprotectin assay to diagnose IBD and differentiate its types (CD and UC).

Graphical abstract: Small intestinal sampling capsule for inflammatory bowel disease type detection and management
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Manipulation of cancer cells in a sessile droplet via travelling surface acoustic waves

TSAWs quickly form a tumor spheroid for a drug screening platform.

Graphical abstract: Manipulation of cancer cells in a sessile droplet via travelling surface acoustic waves
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Open Access Paper

Amplification factor in DC insulator-based electrokinetic devices: a theoretical, numerical, and experimental approach to operation voltage reduction for particle trapping

Trapping voltage in 2D DC-iEK systems was significantly reduced (∼80 V) via a design optimization process primarily focused on E-field amplification.

Graphical abstract: Amplification factor in DC insulator-based electrokinetic devices: a theoretical, numerical, and experimental approach to operation voltage reduction for particle trapping
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

A microfluidic chip with a serpentine channel enabling high-throughput cell separation using surface acoustic waves

We demonstrate a label-free, high-throughput cell separation method via a SSAW-based acoustofluidic device with a serpentine channel for clinical diagnosis and point-of-care analysis.

Graphical abstract: A microfluidic chip with a serpentine channel enabling high-throughput cell separation using surface acoustic waves
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Cortical spheroids display oscillatory network dynamics

3-D spheroid cultures contain networks that develop by 9 days and develop increasingly complex network activity patterns as they mature. We demonstrate, for the first time, that spheroids exhibit network activity similar to in vivo network events.

Graphical abstract: Cortical spheroids display oscillatory network dynamics
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

A handy reversible bonding technology and its application on fabrication of an on-chip liquid metal micro-thermocouple

An on-chip liquid metal based micro-thermocouple based on a reversible bonding technology.

Graphical abstract: A handy reversible bonding technology and its application on fabrication of an on-chip liquid metal micro-thermocouple
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Programmed assembly of bespoke prototissues on a microfluidic platform

A microfluidic platform to build bespoke prototissues with collective behaviours that depend on the chemical composition of the biomaterial.

Graphical abstract: Programmed assembly of bespoke prototissues on a microfluidic platform
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Personalized gel-droplet monocyte vaccines for cancer immunotherapy

Personalized gel-droplet-encapsulated monocyte vaccines were prepared using an integrated chip and injected back into the hosts to induce CTL for the treatment of cancer.

Graphical abstract: Personalized gel-droplet monocyte vaccines for cancer immunotherapy
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Inside the ensemble: unlocking the potential of one-at-a-time experiments with lab-on-a-chip automation

Automated microfluidics, laser tweezers, particle detection for pairwise particle stickiness measurements.

Graphical abstract: Inside the ensemble: unlocking the potential of one-at-a-time experiments with lab-on-a-chip automation
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Simulating drug concentrations in PDMS microfluidic organ chips

A simulation method for predicting drug responses is described that overcomes challenges relating to absorption of hydrophobic drug molecules by Organ Chips made from polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).

Graphical abstract: Simulating drug concentrations in PDMS microfluidic organ chips
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Scaffold-free generation of heterotypic cell spheroids using acoustofluidics

A scaffold-free and versatile acoustofluidic device to fabricate heterotypic cell spheroids with complexity over cell architecture and components.

Graphical abstract: Scaffold-free generation of heterotypic cell spheroids using acoustofluidics
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Microfluidic recapitulation of circulating tumor cell–neutrophil clusters via double spiral channel-induced deterministic encapsulation

A novel droplet microfluidic device called double-spiral chip enables the recapitulation of circulating tumor cell (CTC)–neutrophil clusters.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic recapitulation of circulating tumor cell–neutrophil clusters via double spiral channel-induced deterministic encapsulation
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Biomarker barcodes: multiplexed microfluidic immunohistochemistry enables high-throughput analysis of tissue microarray

The biomarker barcode concept has been demonstrated by performing multiplexed microfluidic immunohistochemistry on tissue microarray samples.

Graphical abstract: Biomarker barcodes: multiplexed microfluidic immunohistochemistry enables high-throughput analysis of tissue microarray
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

In-flow electrochemical detection of chemicals in droplets with pyrolysed photoresist electrodes: application as a module for quantification of microsampled dopamine

Electrochemical detection in droplets with pyrolysed photoresist electrodes was characterized and then performed to quantify dopamine in biological concentration range and to reliably identify steps of concentration in in vitro microsampled droplets.

Graphical abstract: In-flow electrochemical detection of chemicals in droplets with pyrolysed photoresist electrodes: application as a module for quantification of microsampled dopamine
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Exceeding ohmic scaling by more than one order of magnitude with a 3D ion concentration polarization system

Concentration polarization (CP) with upright 3D reservoir.

Graphical abstract: Exceeding ohmic scaling by more than one order of magnitude with a 3D ion concentration polarization system
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Inducing AC-electroosmotic flow using electric field manipulation with insulators

We demonstrate a new method to induce vortices with AC-EOF by shaping insulator materials near parallel electrodes, giving control of vortex organization. Interestingly, non-orthogonality of insulator walls is a requirement to induce AC-EOF.

Graphical abstract: Inducing AC-electroosmotic flow using electric field manipulation with insulators
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Open Access Paper

Microfluidic chip grafted with integrin tension sensors for evaluating the effects of flowing shear stress and ROCK inhibitor on platelets

Integrins are key players in platelet adhesion and aggregation.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic chip grafted with integrin tension sensors for evaluating the effects of flowing shear stress and ROCK inhibitor on platelets
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Open Access Paper

High-throughput optofluidic screening for improved microbial cell factories via real-time micron-scale productivity monitoring

We describe high-throughput (>103 strains per week) methods for discovery of engineered microbial strains with improved secretion phenotype. These novel approaches use real-time monitoring of colony productivity under steady-state or batch culture.

Graphical abstract: High-throughput optofluidic screening for improved microbial cell factories via real-time micron-scale productivity monitoring
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

“One-to-three” droplet generation in digital microfluidics for parallel chemiluminescence immunoassays

A “one-to-three” splitting method is able to generate sub-microlitre droplets beyond the “well-known” geometry limit in EWOD digital microfluidics. It helps to realise parallel on-chip CLIA with enhanced magnetic beads washing efficiency.

Graphical abstract: “One-to-three” droplet generation in digital microfluidics for parallel chemiluminescence immunoassays
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Disposable photonics for cost-effective clinical bioassays: application to COVID-19 antibody testing

Rice-sized (1 × 4 mm) silicon nitride ring resonator photonic sensor chips paired with plastic micropillar fluidic cards for sample handling and optical detection yield a “disposable photonics” assay platform.

Graphical abstract: Disposable photonics for cost-effective clinical bioassays: application to COVID-19 antibody testing
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Autonomous lab-on-paper for multiplexed, CRISPR-based diagnostics of SARS-CoV-2

Autonomous lab-on-paper platform for simple, rapid, low-cost, and multiplex gene diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 in clinical samples.

Graphical abstract: Autonomous lab-on-paper for multiplexed, CRISPR-based diagnostics of SARS-CoV-2

Direct isolation of circulating extracellular vesicles from blood for vascular risk profiling in type 2 diabetes mellitus

A simple, economical and scalable microfluidic separation technology (ExoDFF) for label-free isolation of circulating extracellular vesicles (EVs) from whole blood.

Graphical abstract: Direct isolation of circulating extracellular vesicles from blood for vascular risk profiling in type 2 diabetes mellitus
From the themed collection: Microfluidics for hematology

An electricity- and instrument-free infectious disease sensor based on a 3D origami paper-based analytical device

A three-dimensional origami-paper-based analytical device with electricity-free “timer” function for HIV type 1 p24 antigen detection.

Graphical abstract: An electricity- and instrument-free infectious disease sensor based on a 3D origami paper-based analytical device
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Closed-loop feedback control of microfluidic cell manipulation via deep-learning integrated sensor networks

An adaptive microfluidic system changing its operational state in real-time based on cell measurements through an on-chip electrical sensor network.

Graphical abstract: Closed-loop feedback control of microfluidic cell manipulation via deep-learning integrated sensor networks
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Direct laser writing for cardiac tissue engineering: a microfluidic heart on a chip with integrated transducers

We developed an organ-on-a-chip platform with integrated stimulators and sensors. The platform is fabricated using direct laser writing (DLW) and allows for generation and study of functional 3D cardiac microtissues in controlled microenvironments.

Graphical abstract: Direct laser writing for cardiac tissue engineering: a microfluidic heart on a chip with integrated transducers
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Fundamentals of integrated ferrohydrodynamic cell separation in circulating tumor cell isolation

We present the fundamental theory and experimental validations of an integrated ferrohydrodynamic cell separation (iFCS) method that can isolate circulating tumor cells with a high recovery rate.

Graphical abstract: Fundamentals of integrated ferrohydrodynamic cell separation in circulating tumor cell isolation
From the themed collection: Microfluidics for hematology
Open Access Paper

High-throughput organ-on-chip platform with integrated programmable fluid flow and real-time sensing for complex tissue models in drug development workflows

96 microfluidic devices with independent electrical readouts are coupled with 192 micropumps to make a high-throughput organ-on-chip platform.

Graphical abstract: High-throughput organ-on-chip platform with integrated programmable fluid flow and real-time sensing for complex tissue models in drug development workflows
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Coexistence of fluorescent Escherichia coli strains in millifluidic droplet reactors

We use a millifluidic system to study the multi-species bacterial growth to unveil the details of cooperation between two Escherichia coli strains inside droplet reactors. This system also has the potential for studies of drug resistance transfer.

Graphical abstract: Coexistence of fluorescent Escherichia coli strains in millifluidic droplet reactors
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Microfluidic ultrafine particle dosimeter using an electrical detection method with a machine-learning-aided algorithm for real-time monitoring of particle density and size distribution

A compact, cost-efficient airborne ultrafine particle (UFP) dosimeter that can monitor essential parameters required for accurate UFP dosimetry.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic ultrafine particle dosimeter using an electrical detection method with a machine-learning-aided algorithm for real-time monitoring of particle density and size distribution
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
Open Access Paper

Cryopreservable arrays of paper-based 3D tumor models for high throughput drug screening

Schematic representation of the methodology developed for creating cryopreservable high throughput paper-based arrays of 3D tumor models for drug screening applications.

Graphical abstract: Cryopreservable arrays of paper-based 3D tumor models for high throughput drug screening
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Self-aligned sequential lateral field non-uniformities over channel depth for high throughput dielectrophoretic cell deflection

Self-aligned sequential lateral field non-uniformities extending uniformly over the sample channel depth are fabricated using a single lithography step for enabling phenotype-specific dielectrophoretic separation of cells.

Graphical abstract: Self-aligned sequential lateral field non-uniformities over channel depth for high throughput dielectrophoretic cell deflection
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Origami paper-based sample preconcentration using sequentially driven ion concentration polarization

To overcome the hurdles of the ICP-based preconcentrator (i.e., instability and low efficiency) under physiological conditions, we proposed a novel approach by using a sequentially driven ICP process, showing a 13-fold preconcentration factor (PF) in human serum.

Graphical abstract: Origami paper-based sample preconcentration using sequentially driven ion concentration polarization
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Ultraviolet-induced in situ gold nanoparticles for point-of-care testing of infectious diseases in loop-mediated isothermal amplification

The present study investigated ultraviolet-induced in situ gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) coupled with LAMP for the point-of-care testing (POCT) of two major infectious pathogens, namely, Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Enterococcus faecium (E. faecium spp.).

Graphical abstract: Ultraviolet-induced in situ gold nanoparticles for point-of-care testing of infectious diseases in loop-mediated isothermal amplification
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021

Programmable multilayer printing of a mechanically-tunable 3D hydrogel co-culture system for high-throughput investigation of complex cellular behavior

Programmable multilayer printing is utilized to develop a 3D hydrogel co-culture system, consisting of a microgel array and hydrogel overlay with independently controlled mechanical properties and concurrent generation of mechanical gradients.

Graphical abstract: Programmable multilayer printing of a mechanically-tunable 3D hydrogel co-culture system for high-throughput investigation of complex cellular behavior
From the themed collection: Lab on a Chip HOT Articles 2021
58 items

About this collection

This themed collection features articles published in Lab on a Chip marked as HOT by the handling editor or as recommended by referees. Congratulations to all the authors whose articles are featured.

