Josh A.
Philip R.
a and
aCardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF10 3AT, UK. E-mail:;
bMolecular Vista, 6840 Via Del Oro Suite 110, San Jose, CA 95119, USA
First published on 2nd November 2021
The one-pot, shape selective synthesis of cerium phosphate nanorods has been explored and developed to give nanoparticles with aspect ratios between 3–24.8. Studies of the surface with photo induced force microscopy show for the first time that despite the hexagonal phase bulk structure, mixed monoclinic and hexagonal domains are present in the surface layer demonstrating the importance of surface sensitive, nanoscale vibrational spectroscopy in nanoparticle science. There is also evidence that carbonate is adsorbed preferentially on the monoclinic domains, though whether the carbonate is the cause of the domains or merely adsorbs more easily on this structure has not been determined. Co, Ni and Mn-doped cerium phosphate rods were prepared successfully with aspect ratios of >20. The introduction of dopant ions has a measurable effect upon the magnetic susceptibility but a more significant effect on the bulk crystal phase of the nanoparticles, introducing up to ∼30% monoclinic phosphate in the doped rods.
Since the tuning of the crystal structure of the rare earth phosphates is often a matter of changing simple synthetic parameters such as pH, temperature, or pressure,10–13 these materials offer interesting opportunities to optimise their performance for different applications. This is particularly true for heterogeneous catalysis where surface properties are key but it also applies in situations where growth of one phase on another is necessary. The control of morphology is well documented for ceria nanoparticles, for example Hao-Xin Mai et al.14 prepared cerium oxide nanoparticles as cubes, rods, and polyhedra with different proportions of exposed crystal lattices. The oxygen storage and CO oxidation capabilities of the nanorod and nanocube morphologies, which were assumed to be dominated by [100] and [110] crystal faces, were significantly better than for the polyhedra which were expected to exhibit mainly [111] facets. Si et al.15 reported a similar trend for the water gas shift reaction over ceria supported gold catalysts but in both these cases the surface structure is assumed to be a simple termination of the bulk structure because determining the structure of the upper few monolayers of a nanoparticle is very difficult without high resolution TEM and very good samples.
Our interest in the rare earth phosphates is in their potential use in an optical sensing platform which requires a magnetic character and a coating of a plasmonic material. The cerium phosphates are ideal for this application because of their well-controlled morphology and weak para-magnetism which can be manipulated in the same way that Xia et al.16 greatly increased the magnetic susceptibility of micron sized cerium oxide nanorods through the addition of Mn ions into the lattice. In this report, we investigate the morphology of cerium phosphate nanorods under different synthesis conditions and explore the possibility of increasing the magnetic strength of the nanoparticles by doping with other transition metals. We have a particular interest in the surfaces of the rods since the properties of the surface are critical to the effectiveness of the coating procedures we will report in a future publication. In order to study this aspect, we have employed the relatively new photo induced force microscopy (PiFM) technique which provides surface vibrational spectroscopy together with nanometre resolved topography.17,18 We show that this allows the mapping of surface structural domains on the cerium phosphate nanorods and importantly a correlation between different domains and adsorbed species under ambient conditions which has great potential for exploring the role surface structure plays in determining surface reaction mechanisms in areas as diverse as coatings, adhesion and catalysis.
Photo induced force microscopy (PiFM)21,22 is a relatively new spectroscopic tool in which dipole–dipole coupling between a surface oscillator and a gold covered AFM tip exerts a measurable force that is detected mechanically. This enables the recovery of near-field vibrational spectra of the surface region that match exactly far-field infrared spectra but are obtained at spacial resolutions well below the diffraction limit. Whilst PiFM can be run in hyper-spectral mode in which every pixel of an AFM image contains a full infrared spectrum, that approach is very time consuming and a more efficient experimental strategy, and the one adopted here, is to either select specific points on an image to record a spectrum or to simultaneously map the topography of a surface with the intensity at a single frequency. Samples of the nano-rods were deposited on mica sheets from aqueous suspension and allowed to dry in air. The samples were sent to California for analysis by Molecular Vista where they were examined in air without further sample preparation. The spectroscopic data was analysed using CasaXPS20 and fitted using Gaussian curves to clarify the changes that occur between different points in the images, details of the fitting procedure are described below.
The temperature at which the synthesis is carried out, also influences the morphology of the nanoparticles. We found two temperature regimes of interest at a phosphate concentration of 8.25 × 10−2 M. For ≤180 °C we produced exclusively cerium phosphate nanorods, where increasing the temperature in increments up to 180 °C led to a growth in the rod length/aspect ratio. At synthesis temperatures >200 °C, the production of large (≥600 nm) polyhedra dominates. In the lower temperature regime, TEM shows that the rods grow preferential along the [001] axis with a hexagonal crystal structure. The rod length grows with increasing temperature, Fig. 2, from an average length of 98.7 to 795.6 nm with an apparent activation energy of 26.5 kJ mol−1, Fig. S2,† suggesting a process limited by diffusion of cerium intermediates to the ends of the growing rods.
The XRD data in Fig. 3, confirm the transition from cerium oxide to cerium phosphate as the phosphate concentration is increased, with the particles formed at lower potassium phosphate concentrations displaying XRD patterns corresponding only to that of cerium oxide with intense [111] and [220] peaks characteristic of a cubic fluorite F3m space group. At higher phosphate concentrations, 12 peaks are observed corresponding to the P6222 space group of hexagonal CePO4 with the [200], [102] and [211] peaks being the most intense.
Raman spectra of the rods, Fig. 4, show a typical CeO2 pattern at a phosphate concentration of 0.33 × 10−3 M with an intense F2g first order phonon at 459 cm−1 corresponding to the fluorite crystal system, and two weak peaks at 260 cm−1 and 1065 cm−1 caused by the second-order transverse acoustic mode (2TA) and a second-order longitudinal optical mode (2LO).24 A weak PO4− symmetric stretching band at 979 cm−1 can also be detected, indicating the presence of some hexagonal structured cerium phosphate in the sample,
At higher concentrations of phosphate the Raman signal due to the ceria all but disappears (most clearly indicated by the loss of intensity in the 1050 cm−1 peak in (a)) and is replaced by Raman bands at 979 cm−1 and 467 cm−1 that can be assigned to the V1 and V2, PO4 stretching and bending modes of hexagonal CePO4 along with weaker peaks at 1085 cm−1, 627 cm−1 and 573 cm−1, Table 1. Finally, there is evidence for the presence of some monoclinic phase in the samples with weak features at 414 cm−1, 1050 cm−1 and a pronounced asymmetry to the low wavenumber side of the 979 cm−1 peak. The features assigned to monoclinic phosphate are more apparent in the Raman spectra of samples prepared at higher temperatures (Fig. S3†).
IR-spectroscopy wavenumber/cm−1 | Raman – spectroscopy wavenumber/cm−1 | ||||
Hexagonal | Monoclinic | Assignment | Hexagonal | Monoclinic | Assignment |
1104 | V3 | 1085 | 1070 | V3 | |
1096 | 1054 | ||||
1052 | 1062 | 1024 | |||
1020 | 1025 | 990 | |||
995 | |||||
976 | 969 | V1 | |||
967 | 956 | V1 | |||
624 | 618 | V4 | |||
615 | 623 | V4 | 573 | ||
569 | 579 | ||||
542 | 567 | 466 | 466 | V2 | |
542 | 377 | 414 |
Samples of undoped rods formed at higher concentrations of phosphate, and those with mixed morphology were examined with the local spectroscopic tool PiFM. Spectra were obtained at specific points on the nanoparticles between 770 and 1950 cm−1, and intensity maps at selected wavenumbers were also collected, providing a unique insight into the composition of the surface region of the particles. In the discussion below we concentrate mainly on the 900–1200 cm−1 region of the spectrum which can contain components from both monoclinic and hexagonal cerium phosphate. To identify the components involved in the complex envelopes the data was fitted with Gaussian peak shapes with FWHM of 20–25 cm−1. A minimum of 7 peaks is required to give good fits in the 900–1200 cm−1 region of all the spectra. The fitting procedure allowed a variation of ∼±5 cm−1 in position for each peak around the position of the main components expected for the infrared spectra of hexagonal and monoclinic structures. Good fits were obtained with peaks at 971.9 and 1050 cm−1 corresponding to hexagonal vibrations (coloured light brown in Fig. 5) and 1001.8, 1072.6 and 1093.7 cm−1 corresponding to monoclinic vibrations, (coloured yellow in Fig. 5). A sixth component at ∼1020 cm−1 (coloured pink) occurs in both structures and the final component at 1036.0 cm−1 (purple) doesn't match well with any of the expected phosphate vibrations, Table 1. However, the 1036 peak correlates well with other peaks observed at 1410, 1390–1365, and 850 cm−1 which match those expected for a bidentate carbonate at cerium surfaces.26
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Fig. 5 PiFM images and spectra of cerium phosphate nanorods synthesised at a phosphate concentration of 8.25 × 10−2 M and a temperature of 170 °C. (a) Topography; (b) and (c) maps of the vibrational intensity measured by PiFM at 1020 and 1046 cm−1 respectively selected to contrast the presence of hexagonal structure, see text. (Right) PiFM spectra obtained from positions 2, 5 and 7 marked on the topography and PiFM maps. The V1 and V3 region is shown with the curve fitted peaks coloured according to the species to which they are assigned (light brown = hexagonal CePO4, yellow = monoclinic CePO4, pink = monoclinic and hexagonal, purple = carbonate). Note: in the figure, adjacent monoclinic components are combined for clarity. Full PiFM spectra are shown in Fig. S4.† |
Maps of intensity at 1020 and 1046 cm−1 show a consistent state along the rod and the fitting of the spectra reflect this with only small changes in the relative amounts of hexagonal and monoclinic phases between points.
The presence of domains of different structure at the surface of the nano rods is nicely demonstrated in Fig. 6 where the vibrational spectrum of the sample is mapped across a rod. The intensity map at 1066 cm−1, Fig. 6(b), shows areas with higher concentrations of monoclinic phosphate whilst the map at 1020 cm−1 corresponds to the peak that is shared by both monoclinic and hexagonal structures, the differences between the two shows areas populated with higher concentrations of the hexagonal structure. From the 1066 cm−1 map its evident that the monoclinic structure is concentrated on the edge of the rod, whereas the map corresponding to the combined hexagonal and monoclinic signal shows intensity right across the rod. The same pattern is evident on several of the other nanorods. Interestingly, the map at 849 cm−1 correlates very well with that of the monoclinic peak. Adsorbed phosphate can show a peak at this position but would be expected to be present at both hexagonal and monoclinic surfaces. The alternative assignment of the 849 cm−1 peak to carbonate was discussed above and is stronger since it correlates well with the other carbonate peaks. That suggests that the carbonate adsorbs preferentially on the monoclinic phosphate.
In addition to the vibrational spectra, the PiFM maps in Fig. 6 also show the relationship between the nanorods of phosphate and the nanocubes of ceria much more clearly than the TEM images in Fig. 1. It's clear from these images that the phosphate rods are embedded in the surface of a ceria cube confirming previous suggestions that the phosphate rods nucleate on the cubes.
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Fig. 7 Illustration of suggested growth mechanism of cerium nanoparticles based on phosphate concentration. |
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Fig. 8 TEM images of cerium phosphate nanorods synthesised at 180 °C and doped with 0.15 wt% (a) manganese; (b) cobalt, and (c) nickel. |
XP spectra of the doped nanorods were recorded to investigate the extent to which the dopants were successfully incorporated into the nanorods. As Fig. 9 (and Fig. S5†) show, these closely match the spectra of the undoped samples with the Ce(3d) region containing only the features typical of the Ce(III) in CePO4. There is no evidence for Ni, Mn, or Co in the XP spectra indicating that the concentrations of these dopants in the surface region are below the detectable limits for XPS (∼1%) even for those samples with nominal doping levels that are much higher.
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Fig. 9 XP spectra of Co doped cerium phosphate nanoparticles. Left: Ce(3d) spectra for selected samples; right: corresponding region for dopant. Complete spectra for all samples are shown in Fig. S5.† |
Although the XPS data show no evidence for the dopants in the nanorods there is support for them having effects on the rods through other characterisation methods. Changes to the magnetic susceptibility of the nanorods on doping were measurable with a consistent increase for the Mn doped samples but changes that are only just outside the measurement error for the Co and Ni doped samples, Fig. 10.
More concrete evidence for the impact of the dopants is the change in XRD pattern. In the absence of dopants, XRD patterns show a single hexagonal CePO4 phase but inclusion of Ni, Co and Mn all lead to the development of mixed monoclinic and hexagonal phase systems, (Fig. 11 and S6†). Rietveld analysis shows the proportion of the monoclinic phase increases initially up to a maximum of about 40% but decreases again as the dopant concentration increases (Fig. S7, Table S1†).
The appearance of the monoclinic phase could be due to an effect of the ions on the crystallisation process but strong evidence for the incorporation of ions within the lattice comes from shifts of the [200] peak to higher angles for all three dopants, Fig. 11 and S8.†
Raman spectra of the doped nanorod systems show no additional peaks that might be attributed to Co, Mn or Ni components, in agreement with the XPS and XRD, but Fig. 9, does show increased complexity in the V3 peaks between 990–1080 cm−1 indicating the presence of other phases. Deconvolution of the spectra identifies new peaks at 971 and 990 cm−1 which, as discussed in connection to the PiFM data are indicative of the presence of a monoclinic phase supporting the evidence from XRD for the effect of substitution of the dopant ions into the lattice (Fig. 12).
The method was optimised to give a tuneable aspect ratio for the rods of between 3–26.5. Despite the hexagonal bulk structure, the PiFM spectra show that domains of monoclinic cerium phosphate coexist with the hexagonal structure at the surface of the rods. The spectra also give good evidence for the presence of a surface carbonate associated with the monoclinic domains. This demonstration of the powerful analytical capabilities of surface sensitive vibrational spectroscopy is an important outcome of the investigation. It's not clear from the data whether the surface carbonate is the cause of, or result of, the presence of the monoclinic domains, but this new information is important for work involving the coating of the rods where changes of phase can have a significant impact on the coating growth. The subtle balance between the two phosphate structures is also highlighted by the effect of doping with Co2+, Mn2+ and Ni2+. All three ions were successfully incorporated into the nanorods (as demonstrated by a change in the lattice spacing of the rods) and whilst they did not have a significant impact on the magnetic properties, they did result in the development of bulk domains of the monoclinic phosphate structure.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1ce01151k |
‡ Current addresses: Department of Chemistry, University College London, 20 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AJ, UK and The Research Complex at Harwell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0FA, UK. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |