Kirk R.
Stefani L.
Elizabeth A. W.
c and
aUS Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. E-mail: Simon.Heather@epa.gov
bIndustrial Economics, Incorporated, Cambridge, MA, USA
cUS Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
First published on 27th July 2023
Reduced-form modeling approaches are an increasingly popular way to rapidly estimate air quality and human health impacts related to changes in air pollutant emissions. These approaches reduce computation time by making simplifying assumptions about pollutant source characteristics, transport and chemistry. Two reduced form tools used by the Environmental Protection Agency in recent assessments are source apportionment-based benefit per ton (SA BPT) and source apportionment-based air quality surfaces (SABAQS). In this work, we apply these two reduced form tools to predict changes in ambient summer-season ozone, ambient annual PM2.5 component species and monetized health benefits for multiple sector-specific emission control scenarios: on-road mobile, electricity generating units (EGUs), cement kilns, petroleum refineries, and pulp and paper facilities. We then compare results against photochemical grid and standard health model-based estimates. We additionally compare monetized PM2.5 health benefits to values derived from three reduced form tools available in the literature: the Intervention Model for Air Pollution (InMAP), Air Pollution Emission Experiments and Policy Analysis (APEEP) version 2 (AP2) and Estimating Air pollution Social Impact Using Regression (EASIUR). Ozone and PM2.5 changes derived from SABAQS for EGU scenarios were well-correlated with values obtained from photochemical modeling simulations with spatial correlation coefficients between 0.64 and 0.89 for ozone and between 0.75 and 0.94 for PM2.5. SABAQS ambient ozone and PM2.5 bias when compared to photochemical modeling predictions varied by emissions scenario: SABAQS PM2.5 changes were overpredicted by up to 46% in one scenario and underpredicted by up to 19% in another scenario; SABAQS seasonal ozone changes were overpredicted by 34% to 83%. All tools predicted total PM2.5 benefits within a factor of 2 of the full-form predictions consistent with intercomparisons of reduced form tools available in the literature. As reduced form tools evolve, it is important to continue periodic comparison with comprehensive models to identify systematic biases in estimating air pollution impacts and resulting monetized health benefits.
Environmental significanceReduced form modeling tools are being increasingly applied in the literature to analyze air quality impacts from policy scenarios as they are quicker and easier to implement than photochemical air quality models. Quantitative evaluation of these tools is necessary so that the scientific community can understand their limitations and uncertainties. We present a new reduced form modeling tool, the Source Apportionment-Based Air Quality Surfaces (SABAQS) method. SABAQS is one of the first reduced form models in the literature to include ozone in addition to PM2.5 impacts. We compare SABAQS results against full-form modeling, EPA's latest source apportionment-based benefit per ton (SA BPT) values and 3 other publicly available reduced form tools for multiple emissions control scenarios. |
The chemical and physical processes in the atmosphere that convert precursor gases to O3 and PM2.5 are complex.4 Modeling systems that estimate the change in ambient O3 and PM2.5 due to changing emissions can vary greatly in terms of complexity. The most complex modeling systems are photochemical transport models that use a 3-dimensional Eulerian grid structure to represent emissions, transport, chemical conversion, and deposition.8 Two photochemical models commonly used to support scientific and regulatory O3 and PM2.5 assessments are the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model9 (https://www.epa.gov/cmaq) and Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx; https://www.camx.com). Both models have been shown to appropriately replicate the amount and relative proportions of O3 and chemically speciated PM2.5 when compared to ambient measurements.10,11 Further, these tools have been used to assess O3 and PM2.5 impacts from single sources12–15 and complex emission control programs including power plant trading programs16 and motor-vehicle technology implementation.17
Since photochemical transport models have a detailed representation of chemistry and physical processes related to formation and transport of O3 and particles, their application requires computing resources and technical expertise which may not be readily available to some who are interested in understanding how ambient O3 and PM2.5 may be influenced by a change in emissions. As a result, reduced form models have been developed to allow for quick and easy-to-use assessments of summer season O3 and annual average PM2.5 impacts from emission changes and subsequent monetized health impacts. Such models used recently in literature to estimate monetized health benefits of PM2.5 include the Intervention Model for Air Pollution (InMAP),18 Air Pollution Emission Experiments and Policy Analysis (APEEP) versions 2 (AP2),19 and Estimating Air pollution Social Impact Using Regression (EASIUR).20 In addition, the EPA has developed estimates of average dollar marginal health benefits for both O3 and PM2.5 per ton of abated emissions from different emissions source categories, known as source apportionment-based benefit-per-ton (SA BPT).21,22 In this paper we describe a method for creating source apportionment-based air quality surfaces (SABAQS) that has been applied in benefits calculations for recent EPA rules addressing the power sector.23–26 While the SA BPT and SABAQS methods both provide air quality benefits estimates derived from source apportionment tagging in photochemical modeling simulations, SABAQS produces spatially resolved air quality impacts while SA BPT produces only a national-level dollar value endpoint for emissions from each sector.
While many assessments include monetized health impacts estimated by one or more of these tools,18,27,28 few compare predicted health impacts from emission control scenarios against photochemical model estimates.29,30 A comparison of health impacts of specific facilities in Texas between reduced form models (APEEP and EASIUR) and full-form photochemical modeling paired with the Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program – Community Edition (BenMAP-CE)31 demonstrated that the error that is introduced when representing how air quality responds to changes in different precursor emissions propagates through to the estimated health benefits.30 The differences in air quality predictions can affect the size and distribution of the benefits attributed to air quality policies.
In this paper we start by comparing O3 and PM2.5 air quality changes estimated by SABAQS with changes derived from photochemical grid modeling simulations. We then compare O3 and PM2.5 monetized health damages derived from SABAQS to those derived from full-form models. Finally, we compare SABAQS results to O3 and PM2.5 monetized health damages estimated by the SA BPT, InMAP, AP2 and EASIUR. These comparisons were made using different emission control scenarios covering five economic sectors that range in geographic and technologic implementation complexity. The emissions scenarios developed for this assessment provide a framework for future comparisons and could be used to evaluate changes to future iterations of the tools included in this assessment. As reduced form tools evolve, it is important to continue periodic comparison with comprehensive models to identify systematic biases in estimating air pollution and resulting monetized health benefits.
Scenario previously documented in Baker et al.32 | Base year (meteorology & emissions) | Future year (base case and sensitivity emissions) | Annual total future-year emission reductions (thousand tons) | |||||
NOx | SO2 | PM2.5 | VOC | NH3 | ||||
Mobile (tier 3) | Yes | 2007 | 2030 | 348 | 13 | 9 | 181 | — |
EGU (clean power plan proposal) | Yes | 2011 | 2025 | 424 | 427 | 63 | 10 | 3 |
EGU emissions sensitivity A | No | 2011 | 2023 | 457 | 701 | 41 | −5 | −7 |
EGU emissions sensitivity B | No | 2016 | 2023/2026 | 70 | 107 | 6 | −0.1 | −0.4 |
Pulp & paper | Yes | 2011 | 2025 | 35 | 36 | 7 | — | — |
Cement kilns | Yes | 2011 | 2025 | 97 | 55 | 13 | — | — |
Refineries | Yes | 2011 | 2025 | 35 | 16 | 4 | — | — |
Annual average PM2.5 and summer season (May–Sep) average maximum daily 8 h (MDA8) O3 were estimated for 12 km sized grid cells by CMAQ, CAMx and/or SABAQS for the seven future year reference and control scenarios. Each of these air quality surfaces were then input to BenMAP-CE to estimate county-specific monetized health impacts. Air quality and health impacts for each scenario are determined as the difference between conditions modeled for the relevant projected future year control and future year reference scenarios. We note that we use both SABAQS and the full-form models to estimate changes in air pollution from hypothetical emissions perturbations. Given the hypothetical nature of these emissions perturbations it is not possible to validate models against measured resulting air pollution changes. While we use CAMx and CMAQ, which include complex representations of physical and chemical atmospheric processes, to ground-truth SABAQS estimates, we acknowledge that CMAQ and CAMx themselves have uncertainties.
Additionally, emissions changes associated with each scenario were used to quantify monetized health impacts associated with PM2.5 changes and O3 changes (where available) using InMAP, AP2, EASIUR and SA BPT. Inputs and outputs for these scenarios are summarized in Table 1 and inputs for 5 of these scenarios are also documented elsewhere.32–34 Because the SABAQS method has currently only been developed for power sector emissions, the SABAQS estimates were only created for EGU control scenarios.
Gridded seasonal or annual average concentrations generated by the photochemical models were used as an input to the BenMAP-CE program31 for estimating associated health damages. BenMAP-CE applies epidemiologically derived concentration-response functions to estimate and value changes in the incidence of health impacts attributable to air quality, accounting for affected populations and baseline mortality and morbidity incidence within those populations, using the concentration-response function parameterized in eqn (1):
Δy = y0(eβΔx − 1)pop | (1) |
To develop SA BPT values, source apportionment was used to track the contribution of primarily emitted and precursors to O3 and PM2.5. The source apportionment capabilities within the CAMx model allows the user to tag sources or groups of sources by type and location.41 The O3 source apportionment technology (OSAT) within CAMx tracks the impacts of NOx and VOC emissions through the model physical and chemical processes and outputs hourly gridded O3 contributions from each user-defined emissions tag for each precursor pollutant. Similarly, the particulate matter source apportionment technology (PSAT) within CAMx tracks the impacts of SO2, NOx, and directly emitted PM (i.e., primary PM) to PM species including sulfate, nitrate, organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and crustal material. Gridded surfaces of sector-wide O3 and PM2.5 contributions were then applied to estimate total monetized health damages associated with each sector using BenMAP-CE. Finally, the marginal SA BPT health damages were calculated by dividing the sector-wide health damages by the sector-wide precursor emissions. These SA BPT values can then be used to provide estimates of monetized health effects for policy scenarios matching the spatial and temporal scale of the underlying emissions and health damages.21 In this assessment we focus on the most recent SA BPT values for onroad sources (e.g. light-duty gasoline cars and motorcycles, heavy-duty diesel vehicles etc.),39,40 industrial sectors22 and EGUs.22 Elemental carbon was used as a surrogate for all components of primary PM2.5 and BPT values derived from elemental carbon were applied to total primary PM2.5 emissions.
The method for creating SABAQS builds more control into the SA BPT methodology. Both tools leverage results from the source-apportionment instrumented capabilities within the CAMx model. However, while the SA BPT methodology only provides the user with marginal dollar per ton estimates based on total benefits calculated for each sector at a national or regional level, the SABAQS method allows the user to create intermediate air quality surfaces associated with a specified emissions scenario. To accomplish this, SABAQS makes the simplifying assumption that ozone and PM contributions can be linearly scaled based on emissions levels. OSAT separately tracks ozone formed under NOx and VOC limited conditions (O3N and O3V) so each can be scaled to the relevant precursor. For PM2.5, SABAQS makes the assumption that ammonium sulfate PM2.5 can be scaled to SO2 emissions, ammonium nitrate PM2.5 can be scaled to NOx emissions, and that primary OC, EC, and crustal material can all be scaled to total primary PM2.5 emissions. SABAQS does not include capabilities for tracking PM2.5 impacts from ammonia emissions.
The SABAQS method starts with “fused” surfaces of observed and modeled concentrations for ozone and PM2.5 that are derived first by bias-correcting the base-year model predictions for each pollutant using enhanced Voronoi Neighbor Averaging (eVNA)42–44 and then projecting the fused surfaces into the future by multiplying the base-year eVNA surface by gridded modeled relative response factors between base and future concentrations using EPA's Software for the Modeled Attainment Test – Community Edition (SMAT-CE).45,46 The source apportionment contributions for each tag are then applied to adjust this future-year fused surface based on emissions changes associated with each tag using eqn (2):
(2) |
• Cg,i is the estimated fused model-observation concentration in grid-cell, “g”, for emissions scenario, “i”. For ozone, Cg,i is calculated as the summer season average of MDA8 (ppb) while for PM2.5, Cg,i is the annual average concentration and is separately calculated for each PM2.5 component species (i.e., sulfate, nitrate, EC, etc.) (μg m−3);
• eVNAg is the eVNA future year fused model obs concentration in grid-cell “g” in ppb and μg m−3 for summer season ozone and annual average PM species concentrations respectively;
• Cg,Tot is the total modeled concentration in grid-cell “g” from all sources in the source apportionment modeling in ppb and μg m−3 for summer season ozone and annual average PM species concentrations respectively;
• Cg,t is the modeled source apportionment contribution in grid-cell, “g”, from source apportionment tag, “t”, in ppb and μg m−3 for summer season ozone and annual average PM species concentrations respectively;
• St,i is the EGU scaling ratio for emissions tag, “t” and scenario “i”. For each pollutant, St,i is calculated as the ratio of emissions associated with the tag, “t”, in emissions scenario, “i”, to emissions associated with tag, “t”, in the modeled source apportionment case (i.e. 2023en and 2026fj cases from Table S-1†). Emissions used to calculate St,i for each pollutant are provided in Table 2. St,i is set to 1 for any source tags whose emissions are unchanged included the tag for from boundary condition contribution (i.e., ozone or PM2.5 transported into the modeling domain).
Pollutant | Emissions used to calculate St,i (tons) |
O3N | Ozone season (May–Sep) NOx |
O3V | Ozone season (May–Sep) VOC |
Sulfate | Annual SO2 |
Nitrate | Annual NOx |
Primary OC, EC and crustal PM | Annual primary PM2.5 |
For ozone the Cg,i values for O3N and O3V are added together to create a gridded surface of total summer-season MDA8 ozone associated with emissions scenario, i. For PM2.5, the Cg,i values for sulfate, nitrate, primary OC, EC and crustal material are added to unaltered bulk secondary organic aerosol (SOA) concentrations along with particulate ammonium and particulate water mass that are calculated based on degree of neutralization of nitrate in the base year and on nitrate and sulfate concentrations calculated for emissions scenario i using standard equations in SMAT-CE.45,46
One scenario from the Clean Power Plan Proposal (CPPP)47 was used to represent a complex change in EGU emissions due to a trading program and changes to electricity dispatch. This scenario used the base year of 2011 and a future projection reference year of 2025.
Two additional EGU scenarios were created in order to further test the SABAQS method using the available EGU source tagging. Both EGU scenarios used a future reference year of 2023 projected from the 2016v2 emissions modeling platform.34 In the first EGU “control” scenario, emissions perturbations in the sector were achieved by using an alternate older projection of 2023 emissions based on the 2011v3 emissions modeling platform33 as the reference case and the newer 2023 EGU projection as the control case. This scenario will be referred to as EGU emissions sensitivity A. In the second ECU “control” scenario, emissions perturbations in the sector were achieved by swapping in projections of the EGU emissions out to 2026 reflecting impacts expected to occur in the sector over a 3 year period. This scenario will be referred to as EGU emissions sensitivity B.
Scenarios for four additional economic sectors were included to provide complex test cases with spatially and temporally heterogenous changes in multiple pollutants for the InMAP, AP2, EASIUR and SA BPT tools. The Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards Final Rule (Tier 3)17 was selected as a mobile scenario. This scenario used a base year of 2007 and a future projection reference year of 2030. The cement kiln, refinery, and pulp & paper sector scenarios all used the base and future projection reference year from the CPPP cases. The control scenarios for these 3 sectors were generic hypothetical changes which applied across-the-board emissions reductions.32
SABAQS was applied for the EGU emissions scenarios using state level changes in precursor emissions from EGU sources to estimate annual average PM2.5 and seasonal average MDA8 ozone for the future year reference and control scenarios. In other words, impacts to ozone and PM2.5 were separately tracked from EGU emissions in each state. Two different sets of state level EGU source apportionment were used with SABAQS. One was based on 2011 meteorology and projected 2023 EGU emissions (“2023en”) and the other 2016 meteorology and projected 2026 EGU emissions (“2026fj”). More specifics about the SABAQS configuration and application are available in the ESI Section.†
BenMAP-CE was used to estimate monetized human health benefits for each air quality scenario simulated by the photochemical models and SABAQS. The difference between predicted future year reference and future year control simulations was used to represent the impact of the emissions control scenario.
National monetized health benefits for SA BPT were calculated by multiplying the aggregated emissions changes (Table 1) by sector and pollutant-specific BPT values. Health benefits were estimated using sector-specific BPT values for EGUs,22 industrial sectors,22 and mobile emissions.39 PM2.5 health benefits based on changes in emissions of NOx, SO2, and primary PM2.5 were calculated for all sectors. Health benefits based on NOx and VOC emissions for seasonal ozone were estimated only for industrial and EGU scenarios because ozone SA BPT values have not been developed for mobile sources.
We additionally predict health impacts of annual average PM2.5 concentrations from three publicly reduced form models: InMAP,18 EASIUR,20,48 and AP2 (ref. 19) to provide context for SA BPT and SABAQS performance. Each of these tools were applied with county level precursor emissions changes applied to county specific marginal damages provided by the model developers. The data were obtained from the Center for Air, Climate, and Energy Solutions (https://www.caces.us/data) in february 2022 and reflect the version of those tools at that time. Health effects based on InMAP, EASIUR, and AP2 were selected for the American Cancer Society C-R function using a VSL of $11.3 M based on a 2025 future year (EGU and industrial sector scenarios) and of $11.6 M based on a 2030 future year (mobile scenario) and a 2019 currency year.22 The ground level values were used for the Tier 3 scenario and elevated stack values were used for the other scenarios.
Pollutant | Scenario | Mean impact: SABAQS (μg m−3 or ppb) | Mean impact: CAMx (μg m−3 or ppb) | MBa (μg m−3 or ppb) | NMBa (%) | r |
a For negative impacts (i.e., decreases in ozone or PM2.5 in the emissions scenario) negative bias and normalized mean bias values indicate that SABAQS predicts a larger magnitude impact than CAMx and positive bias and normalized mean bias values indicates that SABAQS predicts a smaller magnitude impact than CAMx. b Primary PM defined as elemental carbon + crustal material for the purpose of this comparison. c Total PM includes ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, elemental carbon, crustal material and organic carbon. Organic carbon comparisons not made between SABAQS and CAMx because SABAQS organic carbon impacts only account for changes in primary organic carbon while CAMx organic carbon impacts account for changes in both primary and secondary organic carbon. | ||||||
Primary PMb | CPPP: 2023en | −0.010 | −0.009 | −0.001 | −9.2% | 0.54 |
CPPP: 2026fj | −0.005 | −0.009 | 0.004 | 43.7% | 0.43 | |
EGU emissions sensitivity A | −0.005 | −0.027 | 0.0219 | 80.9% | 0.75 | |
EGU emissions sensitivity B | −0.001 | −0.001 | 8.8 × 10−5 | 12.3% | 0.72 | |
Nitrate | CPPP: 2023en | −0.006 | −0.007 | 0.0005 | 7.0% | 0.94 |
CPPP: 2026fj | −0.007 | −0.007 | 0.0001 | 1.5% | 0.77 | |
EGU emissions sensitivity A | −0.006 | −0.007 | 0.0006 | 9.2% | 0.84 | |
EGU emissions sensitivity B | −0.001 | −0.002 | −0.0006 | −45% | 0.78 | |
Sulfate | CPPP: 2023en | −0.099 | −0.067 | −0.0329 | −49.4% | 0.97 |
CPPP: 2026fj | −0.101 | −0.067 | −0.0347 | −52.0 | 0.88 | |
EGU emissions sensitivity A | −0.139 | −0.121 | −0.0185 | −15.3% | 0.96 | |
EGU emissions sensitivity B | −0.024 | −0.022 | −0.0019 | −8.4% | 0.96 | |
Total PMc | CPPP: 2023en | −0.119 | −0.0866 | −0.0323 | −37.3% | 0.94 |
CPPP: 2026fj | −0.127 | −0.0866 | −0.0399 | −46.0% | 0.86 | |
EGU emissions sensitivity A | −0.152 | −0.159 | 0.0075 | 4.7% | 0.94 | |
EGU emissions sensitivity B | −0.028 | −0.023 | −0.0046 | −19.6% | 0.75 | |
Ozone | CPPP: 2023en | −0.557 | −0.311 | −0.246 | −79.3% | 0.88 |
CPPP: 2026fj | −0.570 | −0.311 | −0.259 | −83.2% | 0.81 | |
EGU emissions sensitivity A | −0.502 | −0.374 | −0.128 | −34.3% | 0.89 | |
EGU emissions sensitivity B | −0.068 | −0.047 | −0.021 | −44.6% | 0.64 |
First, we note that CAMx predicted domain-wide impacts of the CPPP scenario of around 0.3 ppb for seasonal MDA8 ozone and approximately 0.1 μg m−3 for annual average PM2.5. Normalized mean bias for SABAQS is quite low for nitrate (7.0%) and primary PM2.5 (9.2%). SABAQS NMB is higher for sulfate and ozone at −49.4% and −79.3% indicating that SABAQS shows a larger magnitude of impact from CPPP on these two pollutants than CAMx. As can be seen in the spatial correlation numbers between 0.55 and 0.97, SABAQS replicates the spatial patterns of ozone and PM2.5 quite well. Spatial patterns predicted by CAMx and SABAQS and the differences between those surfaces are shown in Fig. 1–5 for each pollutant. Spatial patterns for secondary pollutants that form through chemical reactions in the atmosphere (i.e., ozone, sulfate, and nitrate) are all above 0.85. Fig. 1 shows that ozone impacts from both CAMx and SABAQS are most pronounced in areas of the southern US, specifically emanating from modeled power plant locations in Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and North Carolina. Fig. 2 shows that both CAMx and SABAQS predict nitrate reductions in the midwestern US and in the San Joaquin Valley of California, two areas of the country where ambient nitrate concentrations tend to be large. SABAQS somewhat underpredicts the magnitude impact of CPPP on nitrate compared to CAMx, especially in California. While we do not explicitly assess causes of SABAQS biases in this analysis, it is possible that some of the nitrate biases in San Joaquin Valley may result from the fact that SABAQS method does not include nonlinear chemistry impacts from ammonia emissions. Despite this limitation of scaling nitrate impacts linearly to NOx emissions, national nitrate biases are relatively small. Fig. 4 shows that sulfate impacts from both CAMx and SABAQS also appear to be regional, covering much of the southern US from Texas eastward. The spatial correlation for primary PM is somewhat lower due to the very local nature of primary PM impacts to the sources. Therefore, in states that are large in area and may include multiple sources throughout the state, full-form models can capture impacts of spatially heterogeneous primary PM emissions changes within the state while SABAQS is constrained to the spatial resolution of the underlying source apportionment tags (in this case state or multistate groupings). This is evident in Fig. 3 which shows CAMx and SABAQS estimates of primary PM impacts are concentrated in the same states (AZ, TX, AL, MS, GA and FL). However, within states like AZ, TX and GA it is evident that some individual EGU plant locations show larger impacts in CAMx while others show larger impacts in SABAQS. Presumably, a SABAQS simulation that tracked emissions from these EGU plants in separate tags would be able to better capture this within-state spatial impacts from primary PM. A sensitivity analysis that applied SABAQS using the 2026fj source apportionment dataset derived from a 2016 base year somewhat degraded agreement with the 2011-based CAMx modeling (Table 3 and Fig. S1–S5†). This analysis does not provide sufficient information to determine how much differing underlying meteorology versus emissions years between SABAQS and CAMx impacted these results.
Results from EGU emissions sensitivity A and EGU emissions sensitivity B are provided in Table 3 and Fig. S6–S15.† In contrast to the CPPP case, SABAQS produces sulfate and ozone surfaces with much lower magnitude of bias in the two EGU emissions sensitivities. Sulfate NMB was 15.3% and 8.4% for EGU emissions sensitivity A and EGU emissions sensitivity B respectively. Ozone NMB was 34.3% and 44.6% for EGU emissions sensitivity A and EGU emissions sensitivity B respectively. This shows that the overstatement of sulfate and O3 response for the CPPP scenario is specific to that case and that the SABAQS methodology can match CAMx modeled sulfate and ozone surfaces more closely depending on the particular emissions scenario being estimated. For nitrate and primary PM2.5 the two EGU emissions sensitivities have mixed results, with EGU emissions sensitivity A having relatively small nitrate bias (NMB = −9.2%) and relatively large primary PM2.5 bias (NMB = −80.9%) and EGU emissions sensitivity B having relatively large nitrate bias (NMB = −45.0%) and relatively small primary PM2.5 bias (NMB = −12.3%).
The four EGU scenarios provided here show that the SABAQS method reasonably captures the spatial patterns of changing ozone and PM2.5 components in response to EGU emissions changes and provides a measure of the uncertainty of predictions for total annual PM2.5 ranging from a 19.6% underestimate of the response to a 46% overestimate of the response and predictions of seasonal ozone ranging from a 34.3% to an 83.2% overestimate of the response.
Scenario | Model | Ozone | PM2.5 | |||
NOx | SO2 | Primary PM2.5 | Total PM2.5 | |||
a SABAQS results based on the CPPP: 2023en. | ||||||
CPPP | CMAQ/BenMAP | — | 1.7 | 15.4 | 5.7 | 22.8 |
CAMx/BenMAP | 9.1 | 1.4 | 15.6 | 2.3 | 19.3 | |
SABAQS/BenMAPa | 18.3 | 1.7 | 27.5 | 3.7 | 32.9 | |
EGU sensitivity A | CAMx/BenMAP | 11.4 | 1.7 | 32.3 | 4.2 | 41.0 |
SABAQS/BenMAP | 18.2 | 1.8 | 39.5 | 1.2 | 43.3 | |
EGU sensitivity B | CAMx/BenMAP | 1.2 | 0.3 | 5.0 | 0.2 | 5.2 |
SABAQS/BenMAP | 1.9 | 0.5 | 5.9 | 0.1 | 6.7 |
The comparison between monetized health benefits derived from SABAQS air quality to that derived from full-form air quality mirrors the performance of the underlying air quality predictions. SABAQS health benefits associated with PM2.5 formed from NOx emissions closely matches those derived from the full form models for all EGU scenarios. PM2.5 health impacts from SO2 emissions are substantially overpredicted by SABAQS for the CPPP scenario but match the full-form model derived estimates more closely for EGU sensitivity A and EGU sensitivity B. In contrast the health impacts associated with direct PM emissions for SABAQS fell between the estimates from the two full-from models for the CPP scenario but were underpredicted for EGU sensitivity A and EGU sensitivity B. Overall, SABAQ total PM2.5 benefits for the CPPP scenarios were overpredicted by 44% or 70% depending on which full-form model was used and were overpredicted by 29% and 6% for EGU sensitivity A and EGU sensitivity B respectively. As described previously, SABAQS overpredicted the ozone air quality response to the EGU scenarios compared to the full-form models. When translated to benefits, SABAQS predicted higher ozone-related health benefits compared to the full-form approach by about 60% in EGU sensitivity A and B and by about a factor of 2 for the CPP proposal scenario.
Next, we provide context for the SABAQS health impacts comparison by providing similar comparisons for the other four reduced form tools: SA BPT, InMAP, AP2, and EASIUR. Table S-2† and Fig. 6 show the monetized health impacts associated with PM2.5 estimated by both photochemical grid models and reduced form tools for multiple emission control scenarios. For the EGU scenarios, the SABAQS estimates and the SA BPT estimates are based on the same underlying source apportionment modeling so differences between the two estimates are largely driven by the fact that SA BPT estimates are calculated by multiplying national emissions changes with a national SA BPT value for the EGU sector while the SABAQS estimates in this work account for state-level relationships between emissions and air quality impacts. Fidelity to the full-form predictions varied across tools, scenarios and PM2.5 precursors. All tools predicted total PM2.5 benefits within a factor of 2 of the full-form predictions consistent with intercomparison of reduced form tools presented elsewhere.30,49 Many of the tools performed substantially better than a factor of 2 for some or all of the emissions scenarios. For instance, AP2, EASIUR and SABAQS all predicted total PM2.5 benefits within ±50% of the full-form predictions for all scenarios, while InMAP and SA BPT predicted total PM2.5 benefits within ±50% for 6 out of 7 scenarios and 4 out of 7 scenarios respectively. Performance for individual precursors was more variable. All reduced form tools predicted larger PM2.5 nitrate impacts than the full-form approach but some tended to have less severe overpredictions (AP2 and SABAQS) while others tended to have more severe overpredictions (INMAP and EASIUR). SA BPT nitrate performance varied by emissions scenario. For PM2.5 sulfate the direction of the bias in reduced form tool predictions varied by scenario for INMAP, AP2, EASIUR and SA BPT which all had underpredictions for some scenarios and overpredictions for others. In contrast, SABAQS tended to overpredict PM2.5 sulfate benefits. For primary PM2.5 the direction of the bias in reduced form tool predictions also varied by scenario for INMAP, EASIUR and SA BPT. In contrast, SABAQS tended to underpredict primary PM2.5 benefits.
Fig. 6 Monetized PM2.5 health impacts (2019$ billion) for each emissions scenario. Impacts are provided for speciated components of PM2.5 (ammonium nitrate from NOx, ammonium sulfate from SO2, and directly emitted PM2.5). SA BPT values for the Tier 3 scenario are based on the smallest eastern US BPT value (for Light duty class vehicles) from Table 2 of ref. 39. |
Monetized health impacts related to changes in O3 were only available for the full-form approach, SA BPT (EGUs and industrial sector scenarios) and SABAQS (EGU scenarios only). These comparisons are shown in Table S-3† and Fig. 7. The somewhat worse performance of SA BPT for EGU scenario ozone benefits compared to SABAQS is likely due to the national nature of the SA BPT calculation compared to the more spatially refined state-level information incorporated into the SABAQS calculations. Predicted ozone-related health impacts from SA BPT were similar for the pulp and paper and cement kiln sector scenarios but different by more than a factor of 2 for the refinery sector scenario. The difference for the refinery sector was related to seasonal average MDA8 O3 decreases in the Los Angeles area predicted by the photochemical grid model due to O3 destruction reactions from NOx outpacing O3 formation reactions from NOx compared to the benefit per ton approach that is based on source apportionment which was not designed to take this type of nonlinear O3 response to emissions precursors into account. These processes were less impactful for the pulp and paper and cement kiln sectors because these facilities are usually located outside large urban areas where O3 formation is usually limited by NOx emissions rather than urban core areas that can be VOC limited.
Here we have compared air quality and health estimates derived from various reduced form tools to that of full-form photochemical air quality models, to determine how comparable results are and which tools may be best used for regulatory analyses that do not permit full-form analyses. Specifically, we evaluated ambient summer-season ozone, ambient annual PM2.5 and its components, and monetized health benefit estimates from several reduced form tools for a variety of sector-specific emission control scenarios. Performance of reduced-form models varied by tool, pollutant, and emissions scenario. The SA BPT tool is generally suitable for use in applications examining impacts of emissions reductions that are similar in magnitude and geographic scope to those used to derive the SA BPT relationships. We caution that SA BPT cannot capture ozone disbenefits in locations that are highly VOC limited so should not be used to replicate ozone impacts of NOx emissions changes for sources predominantly located in locations known to be VOC limited. The SABAQS method was able to replicate spatial patterns of ozone and PM impacts from EGU emissions scenarios with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.64–0.89 for ozone and 0.75–0.94 for total PM2.5. SABAQS overpredicted ozone health benefits but more closely captured PM2.5 health benefits from the EGU scenarios. We conclude that SABAQS is a reliable reduced form tool to use in EGU or other similar stationary source regulatory analyses in which full-form analyses are not feasible. Overall, both SA BPT and SABAQS predict monetized health impacts similarly to other reduced form models available in the literature.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ea00092c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |