Themed collection Artificial Photosynthesis - From Sunlight to Fuels and Valuable Products for a Sustainable Future

Artificial photosynthesis – from sunlight to fuels and valuable products for a sustainable future
This themed issue includes a collection of articles on artificial photosynthesis: from sunlight to fuels and valuable products for a sustainable future.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1891-1892
Hydrogen evolution catalysis by molybdenum sulfides (MoSx): are thiomolybdate clusters like [Mo3S13]2− suitable active site models?
Recent results concerning molecular molybdenum sulfido clusters as model systems for heterogeneous hydrogen evolution catalysis by molybdenum sulfides are summarized and also compared to the related chemistry of the active site of the enzyme Mo-nitrogenase.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1893-1904

Engineering photoautotrophic carbon fixation for enhanced growth and productivity
This review discusses strategies to enhance oxygenic photoautotrophic carbon fixation with a focus on the Calvin–Benson–Bassham cycle.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2583-2600
Organic chemistry at anodes and photoanodes
Organic oxidation reactions can replace the anodic oxygen evolution of water splitting for clean hydrogen generation paired with high-value product.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1905-1927
Photoredox systems with biocatalysts for CO2 utilization
Visible-light driven CO2 reduction and utilization systems involving the photoreduction of NAD(P)+ or bipyridinium salt (viologen)-based electron mediators and biocatalysts are introduced.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1928-1950
Proton coupled electron transfer from Co3O4 nanoparticles to photogenerated Ru(bpy)33+: base catalysis and buffer effect
Flash photolysis studies indicate general base catalysis by borate in photoinduced proton-coupled electron transfer from Co3O4 nanoparticles to Ru(III)(bpy)33+.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1951-1956
Photosensitizing ruthenium(II)–dye multilayers: photoinduced charge separation and back electron transfer suppression
Photocatalytic H2 evolution activity in iodide aqueous solution was improved by increasing the Ru(II)–dye layer number on the Pt–TiO2 surface.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2020,4, 3450-3457
Critical role of {002} preferred orientation on electronic band structure of electrodeposited monoclinic WO3 thin films
Decoupled effects of crystallographic {002} orientation and oxygen vacancies on the electronic band structure of monoclinic WO3 films.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2224-2236

Photo-electrochemical hydrogen production from neutral phosphate buffer and seawater using micro-structured p-Si photo-electrodes functionalized by solution-based methods
Micro-structured p-Si/TiO2/NiOx allows for efficient photoelectrochemical H2 production from seawater.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2215-2223
Multi-phase real-time monitoring of oxygen evolution enables in operando water oxidation catalysis studies
The simultaneous, real time observation of oxygen evolution in the gas phase and in solution enables advanced mechanistic studies which are critical for technologies including water electrolysis, fuel cells, oxidation catalysis and metal–air batteries.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1974-1978
Contribution of electrolyte in nanoscale electrolysis of pure and buffered water by particulate photocatalysis
Quantitative description of electrolyte impact is established for nanoscale water electrolysis prevalent during photocatalytic overall water splitting.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2044-2052
Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from neutral aqueous solution by a water-soluble cobalt(II) porphyrin
Efficient storage of solar energy via light-driven hydrogen evolution is an attractive and promising strategy to address challenges related to increasing global energy demand.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2036-2043
Ion transport mechanisms in bipolar membranes for (photo)electrochemical water splitting
Electrolysis with a bipolar membrane induced pH gradient: the conditions for high energy efficiency (low membrane voltage) are explored.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2006-2015
FeCoW multimetal oxide-coated W:BiVO4 photoanode for efficient oxygen evolution
A FeCoW multimetal oxide-coated W:BiVO4 photoanode performs a 3.8 times photocurrent and a negative shift of the flat-band potential by 280 mV in comparison to a W:BiVO4 photoanode.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2053-2059
Transient photocurrents on catalyst-modified n-Si photoelectrodes: insight from dual-working electrode photoelectrochemistry
Dual-working-electrode photoelectrochemistry experiments reveal how the most-prominent photocurrent transients are associated with catalyst oxidation/reduction.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1995-2005
Nitrogen/fluorine-codoped rutile titania as a stable oxygen-evolution photocatalyst for solar-driven Z-scheme water splitting
Nitrogen/fluorine-codoped rutile TiO2 photocatalyst was developed toward solar-driven Z-scheme water splitting.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2025-2035
A hybrid molecular photoanode for efficient light-induced water oxidation
A hybrid photoanode, made of a multilayered heterostructured WO3/BiVO4 semiconductor, a carbon nanotube fibre and a rugged and highly active molecular water oxidation catalyst is described.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1979-1985
Particulate photocathode composed of (ZnSe)0.85(CuIn0.7Ga0.3Se2)0.15 synthesized with Na2S for enhanced sunlight-driven hydrogen evolution
A particulate solid solution, (ZnSe)0.85(CuIn0.7Ga0.3Se2)0.15, was synthesized by the flux method using various amounts of a Cu precursor (to make Cu-deficient, stoichiometric, or Cu-excess specimens) and/or a Na2S additive, to assess the effects of synthesis conditions on photoelectrochemical (PEC) properties.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1957-1965
Nickel-iron catalysts for electrochemical water oxidation – redox synergism investigated by in situ X-ray spectroscopy with millisecond time resolution
NiFe oxyhydroxides are prime candidates for efficient alkaline water oxidation; their redox chemistry is tracked by X-ray spectroscopy.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1986-1994
Two-electron oxidation of water to form hydrogen peroxide catalysed by silicon-porphyrins
Under basic condition, SiTPyP(O−)2 exerts two-electron oxidation of water to form hydrogen peroxide as the primary product in aqueous acetonitrile, which is initiated through one-electron oxidized process on the electrode with faradaic yield of 84–92%.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 1966-1973
Powder-based (CuGa1−yIny)1−xZn2xS2 solid solution photocathodes with a largely positive onset potential for solar water splitting
(CuGa1−yIny)1−xZn2xS2 has arisen as a highly efficient powder-based photocathode for water splitting under simulated sunlight irradiation.
Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2018,2, 2016-2024
About this collection
Guest-edited by Johannes Messinger (Uppsala University), Osamu Ishitani (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Dunwei Wang (Boston College), this themed issue of Sustainable Energy and Fuels covers a wide range of topics related to artificial photosynthesis.