Issue 9, 2024

Photodegradation of the main synthetic musk (HHCB) in water: kinetic study and influencing factors


Galaxolide (HHCB) is the most common synthetic musk compound detected in numerous daily products. Despite its persistence in the aquatic environment, the photodegradation of HHCB remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the direct and indirect photolysis kinetics of HHCB under simulated sunlight and UVC light. Our aim was to determine the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) responsible for HHCB degradation in the aquatic environment and to identify its transformation products. The influence of environmental factors on indirect photolysis was investigated by testing both synthetic waters (containing humic acid, carbonate (CO32−), and nitrate (NO3)) and real waters (riverine and effluent). Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2/UVC) was tested to simulate the wastewater treatment process. Quencher experiments were conducted to identify the role of ROS in HHCB photodegradation, including hydroxyl radicals (˙OH), carbonate radicals (CO3˙), triplet states of dissolved organic matter (3DOM*), and singlet oxygen (1O2). The results clearly indicated that HHCB was efficiently degraded by direct photolysis under both light conditions. The presence of H2O2 led to the most efficient HHCB degradation due to the high production of ˙OH induced under UVC. Indirect photolysis contribution was observed, induced by ˙OH, CO3˙, 3DOM*, and 1O2 to different extents depending on the light and matrix composition. The experiments led to the detection of transformation products: HHCB lactone, a well-known transformation product, and two other substances with proposed structures. This study provides a comprehensive identification of the processes involved in the direct and indirect photodegradation of HHCB, which could serve as the basis for evaluating and modeling the fate of HHCB in aquatic environments.

Graphical abstract: Photodegradation of the main synthetic musk (HHCB) in water: kinetic study and influencing factors

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Article information

Article type
14 юни 2024
28 юли 2024
First published
29 юли 2024

Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2024,26, 1571-1587

Photodegradation of the main synthetic musk (HHCB) in water: kinetic study and influencing factors

H. Turan, M. Sebilo, T. Pigot and M. Monperrus, Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2024, 26, 1571 DOI: 10.1039/D4EM00351A

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