Themed collection 8th International Symposium on Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems (DOF 2019)

8th International symposium on delivery of functionality in complex food systems (DOF 2019)
Antonio A. Vicente, Mike Boland & Yoav D. Livney introduce the Food & Function themed collection on the 8th international symposium on delivery of functionality in complex food systems (DOF 2019).
Food Funct., 2020,11, 9316-9316
Future foods: a manifesto for research priorities in structural design of foods
Modern food science is creating safer, healthier & more sustainable foods.
Food Funct., 2020,11, 1933-1945
Concentrated Pickering emulsions stabilised by hemp globulin–caseinate nanoparticles: tuning the rheological properties by adjusting the hemp globulin : caseinate ratio
Nanoparticles composed of hemp globulins (HG) and sodium caseinate (SC) make the emulsion more solid-like after storage due to stronger short-range attractive forces between nanoparticles and oil droplets.
Food Funct., 2020,11, 10193-10204
Controlling lipid intestinal digestibility using various oil structuring mechanisms
This research demonstrates the ability to direct the rate and extent of lipid hydrolysis of oleogels using a combination of different structuring agents.
Food Funct., 2020,11, 7495-7508
Influence of the particle size and hydrocolloid type on lipid digestion of thickened emulsions
The incorporation of hydrocolloids (starch and xanthan gum) as thickening agents modifies the release of free fatty acids during in vitro digestion.
Food Funct., 2020,11, 5955-5964
Effects of ohmic heating on the immunoreactivity of β-lactoglobulin – a relationship towards structural aspects
Ohmic heating changes the immunoreactivity of monomeric and aggregated β-LG forms.
Food Funct., 2020,11, 4002-4013
Designing multiple bioactives loaded emulsions for the formulations for diets of elderly
In this study, a stable double emulsion loaded with essential bioactives for the elderly was prepared using a two-step mechanical emulsification process.
Food Funct., 2020,11, 2195-2207
Physicochemical characterisation and release behaviour of curcumin-loaded lactoferrin nanohydrogels into food simulants
LF nanohydrogel encapsulates curcumin with an efficiency of ca. 90 %; Curcumin is barely released in a hydrophilic food simulant at 25 °C; LF-curcumin nanohydrogel was successfully incorporated in a gelatine.
Food Funct., 2020,11, 305-317
About this collection
This is a collection of papers consisting of invited contributions from the 8th International Symposium on Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems (DOF 2019), held in Porto, Portugal, 7-10 July 2019. Guest Edited by Mike Boland, Yoav Livney and Antonio Vicente. New articles will be added to this collection as they are published.