Themed collection Nanoscale Horizons Most Popular 2023 Articles

Advances in Cu nanocluster catalyst design: recent progress and promising applications
We present an in-depth study of Cu NC catalysts, encompassing design strategies, atomic-level tuning, and diverse catalytic applications.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1509-1522
Functionalizing nanophotonic structures with 2D van der Waals materials
Integrating 2D van der Waals materials generates new functionalities for nanophotonic structures, like integrated waveguides, microcavities, fibers, and metasurfaces, to prototype novel optoelectronic applications with challenges and perspectives.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1345-1365
Interfacial built-in electric-field for boosting energy conversion electrocatalysis
A critical review of built-in electric fields for the applications in electrocatalytic reactions is organized by focusing on the fundamental concepts, modification strategies, and positive influences on the promotion of catalytic performance.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 441-452
Memristor-based neural networks: a bridge from device to artificial intelligence
This paper reviews the research progress in memristor-based neural networks and puts forward future development trends.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 716-745
Advances in nanoparticle-based mRNA delivery for liver cancer and liver-associated infectious diseases
Nanoparticle-mediated mRNA delivery can increase the effectiveness of mRNA-based therapeutics and vaccines. These nanoparticles can deliver mRNA to treat liver diseases such as hepatocarcinoma and hepatotropic infections.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 10-28

A catch-and-release nano-based gene delivery system
Efficient and biocompatible catch-and-release gene delivery system has been developed using polymer nanocarriers modified with polyHis and polyArg peptides.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1588-1594

Anti-PEG antibodies enriched in the protein corona of PEGylated nanocarriers impact the cell uptake
Anti-PEG antibodies present in blood samples of German donors were found to be enriched in the protein corona of PEGylated nanocarriers. This enrichment led to enhanced uptake in macrophages, counteracting the desired stealth effect of PEG.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1377-1385

Role of carboxylates in the phase determination of metal sulfide nanoparticles
At low carboxylate concentrations the sulfur source is highly reactive thiourea, which gives rise to sulfur rich nanoparticles. At high carboxylate concentrations, the sulfur source is the less reactive thiocyanate, resulting in sulfur poor phases.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1386-1394

Phosphinecarboxamide based InZnP QDs – an air tolerant route to luminescent III–V semiconductors
In this paper, we report the use of phosphinecarboxamide as a convenient, air and moisture tolerant group-V precursor for the simple synthesis of InP-based quantum dots.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1411-1416

Colloidal synthesis of the mixed ionic–electronic conducting NaSbS2 nanocrystals
Mixed ionic-electronic conducting NaSbS2 NCs with different sizes (50 to 90 nm) and shapes (cube, quasi-spherical cuboctahedra and truncated cubes) were synthesized using a colloidal approach by systematically changing the reaction parameters.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1262-1272

Ultrafast sensitivity-controlled and specific detection of extracellular vesicles using optical force with antibody-modified microparticles in a microflow system
We propose a detection method of 103–104 nanoscale extracellular vesicles secreted from cancer cells and distinguish their multiple membrane proteins using controlled optical force and microfluidic pressure only by 5 minutes laser irradiation.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 1034-1042
Stereoselective coronas regulate the fate of chiral gold nanoparticles in vivo
Formation of chirality-specific protein corona on gold nanoparticles promotes recognition by lipoproteins, complements, and acute phase proteins that mediates LDL receptor-involved cell uptake and tissue accumulation in vivo.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 859-869
Spin-isolated ultraviolet-visible dynamic meta-holographic displays with liquid crystal modulators
Wearable displays or head-mounted displays (HMDs) have the ability to create a virtual image in the field of view of one or both eyes.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 759-766
Carbonic anhydrase IX-targeted nanovesicles potentiated ferroptosis by remodeling the intracellular environment for synergetic cancer therapy
This work demonstrated a nanovesicle-potentiated ferroptosis by remodeling the tumor intracellular environment, providing a promising paradigm for designing nanomedicines to heighten ferroptosis-based synergetic therapeutics.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 783-793

Template-directed 2D nanopatterning of S = 1/2 molecular spins
We demonstrate fabrication of a surface-supported array of VOPc with controlled spin-spin distance, electronic decoupling from the substrate, and individual addressability to realize molecular qubit platforms interfaceable to solid state devices.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 624-631
Transverse magnetoconductance in two-terminal chiral spin-selective devices
In the transverse CISS measurement geometry, the magnetization is normal to the current. Transverse spin polarization has been found, even in the absence of electromagnetochiral effects. The CISS signal also satisfies Onsager's reciprocity.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 320-330

Revealing the improved stability of amorphous boron-nitride upon carbon doping
We report on a large improvement of the thermal stability and mechanical properties of amorphous boron-nitride upon carbon doping.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 361-367
Microbatteries with twin-Swiss-rolls redefine performance limits in the sub-square millimeter range
Twin Swiss-roll microelectrodes are built up on a chip delivering a high energy density of 458 μW h cm−2, which redefines the performance limit in the sub-0.1 square millimeter range.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 127-132
Cu and Si co-doping on TiO2 nanosheets to modulate reactive oxygen species for efficient photocatalytic methane conversion
The Cu and Si co-doping could rationally regulate the electronic structure of TiO2 nanosheets and maneuver the reactive oxygen species for methane activation, which achieves significant photocatalytic methane conversion into ethane.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 63-68
Boosting efficiency of luminescent solar concentrators using ultra-bright carbon dots with large Stokes shift
Novel yellow emissive carbon dots (CDs) with a large Stokes shift are synthesized. The CDs can be employed to fabricate high-performance large-area luminescent solar concentrators due to successful suppression of reabsorption losses.
Nanoscale Horiz., 2023,8, 83-94
About this collection
Showcasing some of the most cited and most accessed articles published in Nanoscale Horizons during 2023.
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