Hong Kuan
*a and
aInformation Technology Research Institute, Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, Shenzhen, 518172, China. E-mail:
bInstitute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), 2 Fusionopolis Way, Innovis #08-03, Singapore 138634, Singapore. E-mail:;
cCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Special Functional Materials, Shenzhen Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Technology of Ceramics, Guangdong Research Center for Interfacial Engineering of Functional Materials, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
dDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore, 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117575, Singapore
First published on 25th January 2023
Conventional doping schemes of silicon (Si) microelectronics are incompatible with atomically thick two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), which makes it challenging to construct high-quality 2D homogeneous p–n junctions. Herein, we adopt a simple yet effective plasma-treated doping method to seamlessly construct a lateral 2D WSe2 p–n homojunction. WSe2 with ambipolar transport properties was exposed to O2 plasma to form WOx on the surface in a self-limiting process that induces hole doping in the underlying WSe2via electron transfer. Different electrical behaviors were observed between the as-exfoliated (ambipolar) region and the O2 plasma-treated (p-doped) region under electrostatic modulation of the back-gate bias (VBG), which produces a p–n in-plane homojunction. More importantly, a small contact resistance of 710 Ω μm with a p-doped region transistor mobility of ∼157 cm2 V−1 s−1 was achieved due to the transformation of Schottky contact into Ohmic contact after plasma treatment. This effectively avoids Fermi-level pinning and significantly improves the performance of photodetectors. The resultant WSe2 p–n junction device thus exhibits a high photoresponsivity of ∼7.1 × 104 mA W−1 and a superior external quantum efficiency of ∼228%. Also, the physical mechanism of charge transfer in the WSe2 p–n homojunction was analyzed. Our proposed strategy offers a powerful route to realize low contact resistance and high photoresponsivity in 2D TMDC-based optoelectronic devices, paving the way for next-generation atomic-thickness optoelectronics.
Since the Fermi level (EF) of WSe2 resides in the middle of the band gap, its ambipolar nature allows for electron or hole dominant transport via selective doping, which can be used as an ideal candidate for the implementation of p–n photodiodes, photovoltaic cells, and complementary logic systems.19–23 However, the in situ synthesis of high-quality homogeneous WSe2 p–n junction-based photodetectors still faces many hurdles, such as the complex fabrication process, slow photoresponsivity, low photodetectivity, etc. On the other hand, the formation of a Schottky barrier (SB) at the WSe2–metal interface inevitably results in a high contact resistance (Rc).24,25 Furthermore, the physical metal deposition process may cause potential lattice disorders or even local destruction of the material, leading to Fermi-level pinning or poor band alignment, ultimately limiting the efficiency of photodiodes.26–28 Consequently, carrier transport can only be carried out by tunneling through thin SBs, resulting in a low current density. To overcome the inherent performance limits of 2D TMDCs and to improve the contact problems on WSe2 functional devices, various doping schemes, work function engineering techniques, electrical tuning techniques, etc. have been explored.29–35 However, these methods are relatively complicated and require high temperature or vacuum process conditions, which greatly hinder their practical application in constructing high-performance WSe2-based photodetectors. Most recently, transition metal oxides (TMOs) used in organic electronics and 2D material-based electronic devices have been demonstrated as effective p-type contacts and dopants.36,37 This doping scheme has been widely developed and applied in complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Despite many encouraging outcomes so far, the fabrication of a 2D TMDC p–n homojunction with low Rc is still limited by technical challenges.
In this work, we demonstrate an efficient and reliable approach by performing O2 plasma treatment to easily permit the amplification of hole transport, and thus achieve in situ p-type semiconductor characteristics in WSe2. The under-stoichiometric oxidation of WSe2 into WOx highly induces hole doping in the neighboring (or underlying) WSe2via electron transfer from the underlying WSe2 to the top oxidized WOx layer. Moreover, our results revealed that the transformation of the SB to Ohmic contact arising from plasma treatment greatly increases the hole mobility from ∼22 to ∼157 cm2 V−1 s−1 in a p-type doped WSe2 transistor. As a result, the as-fabricated in-plane p–n homojunction exhibits a superior external quantum efficiency of ∼228%, an excellent photoresponsivity of ∼7.1 × 104 mA W−1, and a photodetectivity of ∼3 × 103 Jones under 532 nm light illumination. The resultant device performance of our method proves it to be an ideal strategy for constructing high-performance p–n junction optoelectronic devices by using self-oxidizing 2D TMDCs, which may be applied to other TMDCs for future multifunctional electronic and optoelectronic applications.
Materials | Field-effect mobility (cm2 V−1 s−1) | Ref. |
WSe 2 pn-junction | 157 | This work |
WSe2/MoS2 heterojunction | 8.42 | 6 |
WSe2(1−x)Te2x | 46 | 7 |
WSe2/ReS2 pn-junction | 16.5 | 10 |
WSe2 pn-junction | 36.28 | 11 |
Monolayer WSe2 | 132 | 13 |
WSe2/h-BN heterojunction | 25.6 | 15 |
WOx/WSe2 heterojunction | 40 | 23 |
WSe2 flake | 2.2 | 24 |
WSe2/Graphene heterojunction | 84 | 25 |
Monolayer WSe2 | 82 | 28 |
WSe2 flake | 150 | 35 |
It is well-known that a high contact resistance Rc would significantly affect the electrical and optical performances of TMDC-based FETs.30 Hence, we fabricated devices with the same channel width and different channel lengths ranging from 2 to 5 μm to evaluate the contact Rc of the p-doped WSe2 channels by the transmission line method (TLM). Fig. 2(a) shows the optical images of the WSe2 devices with varied channel lengths for examining contact properties. The enlarged schematic in Fig. 2(a) illustrates the carrier pathways (yellow arrows) in the channel of the plasma-treated device, where the electron transfer from the underlying WSe2 to the surface WOx contributes to the formation of electron transport paths (red arrows) from the channel to the doping layer, which is consistent with previous reports.23,43,44 In particular, a thin WOx layer formed after the oxygen plasma treatment will attract electrons from the neighboring (or underlying) WSe2, thereby inducing the heavily p-doped WSe2, i.e., the formation of a conducting channel of holes. The transfer characteristics of these devices are shown in Fig. S3.†Fig. 2(b) and (c) show the output characteristics obtained from the pristine and O2 plasma-treated WSe2-based FETs, respectively. The non-linear increase of hole current with increasing drain bias (VD) indicates a large SB between the metal and pristine WSe2 layers (see Fig. 2(b)). In contrast, the excellent linear characteristics of the output curve of the O2-plasma treated WSe2 layers in Fig. 2(c) suggest the conversion of Schottky contact into Ohmic-like behavior. This may be attributed to the shift of the Fermi level towards the valence band maximum (VBM) of WSe2: p-type dominant conversion. We believe that this phenomenon contributes to the transition from Schottky emission to direct tunneling for easier hole injection. For Schottky emission,45I = ISEexp(A√V), where ISE and A (>0) are two parameters related to Schottky emission behavior. For F–N tunneling or FNT,46I = IFNV2
exp(B/V), where IFN and B (<0) are two parameters related to F–N tunneling behavior. To better elucidate the transition from Schottky emission to direct tunneling, the I–V curves are plotted in the forms of ln
I-vs.-V1/2 and ln(I/V2)-vs.-V−1, respectively. Fig. S4† shows that before plasma treatment, the channel is dominated by Schottky emission, while after plasma treatment, the F–N tunneling becomes dominant. To further quantify the variation in Rc after plasma treatment, Fig. 2(d) shows the linear fitting of the total resistance (Rtotal) as a function of channel length (L). Rtotal could be described as Rtotal = LRch/W + 2Rc,47 where Rc is the contact resistance, W is the channel width, L is the channel length, and Rch is the 2D channel resistance. The value of Rc can be directly extracted from the y-intercept of the linear fit to Rtotal. Fig. 2(e) shows Rc ranging from 0.71 to 6.73 kΩ μm under different gate voltages ranging from −60 to 60 V. Considering the small thickness of the channel, uniform doping leads to a uniform current distribution in the vertical direction. A high gate bias leads to an increase in carrier density and the narrowing of the potential barrier along the metal and the material interface. The elevated hole concentration and narrowed potential barrier aid in the injection of carriers into the WSe2 channel and thereby achieve a transition from Schottky emission to direct tunneling. As a result, a lower contact resistance is obtained.47 In particular, the lowest Rc of ∼710 Ω μm measured at VBG = −60 V can be successfully achieved in the plasma-treated WSe2 FETs, suggesting a reduction in Rc after the plasma treatment. It should be noted that such a small Rc highlights the importance of the self-terminating oxidation process, resulting in the thinnest oxide and therefore a transparent tunnel barrier for increased hole injection between the metal and WSe2 as a key factor for the excellent device performance.
The p–n junction is crucial for the separation of photon-induced electron–hole (e–h) pairs towards achieving photodetectors with high responsivity or solar cells with high quantum efficiency.48,49 Through oxidation doping, the partial doping of a WSe2 FET results in a lateral p–n homojunction. To determine their optoelectronic performance, WSe2 lateral junctions were fabricated. More detailed information regarding the device preparation process can be found in the Experimental section. Fig. 3(a) shows the schematic diagram and the optical image (top-view) of the fabricated WSe2 devices. These WSe2 devices were then exposed to O2 plasma under different operating conditions (see the Experimental section). Note that a PMMA layer is employed as a mask to protect areas with electrodes 1 to 2, leaving areas with electrodes marked with 3 to 4 exposed for O2 plasma treatment. The O2 molecule was then chemisorbed onto the top surface of the exposed WSe2, in which the top layer of the Se atom was substituted by an oxygen atom. Finally, the WOx layer was formed on top of the WSe2 layer. As a result of p-doping due to O2 plasma (formation of a WOx layer on the top of WSe2), a p-type (n-type) dominant conduction is observed in the O2 plasma-treated (plasma-protected) region. The typical transfer curves of the pristine WSe2 channel (through electrodes 1 to 2) were measured to maintain n-type behaviour (Fig. 3(b)). The electrical performance of the as-prepared plasma-treated channel was then measured through electrodes 3 to 4 (Fig. 3(c) and Fig. S5†), yielding p-type characteristics. With the capability of achieving both unipolar p-type (plasma-treated) and n-type (pristine) conduction behaviours, a lateral p–n homojunction can then be fabricated using a single WSe2 flake. Fig. 3(d) and (e) show the corresponding Id − Vd output curves of the partially doped WSe2 device (channel: electrodes 2–3) with Vg = −40 V in the linear (left) and log (right) scales, in which little to no current flow is observed under reverse source–drain bias (Vd < 0 V). However, a much higher current flow can be observed when a forward bias is applied (Vd > 0 V), indicating the forward rectifying diode behavior. Furthermore, an ideality factor (n)50,51 of 1.4 was calculated from the dark current (Fig. 3(e)), indicating the formation of a near-ideal p–n junction.52,53 It is known that n = 1 indicates an ideal p–n junction diode, n ranging between 1 and 2 implies the existence of a tunneling current, and n = 2 indicates the existence of defects or interface traps that drives the recombination process.54 Thus, our good ideality factor of ∼1.4 can be ascribed to the low charge trap density at the homojunction interface.55 The above results prove the successful preparation of a p–n junction between electrodes 2 and 3. However, it should be noted that the p–n WSe2 device is formed with a Schottky junction in the n-type part of WSe2 (contact 2), p–n junctions in the channel (electrodes 2–3), and Ohmic-like contact in the p-type part of WSe2 (contact 3).
Next, we explored the optoelectronic properties of p–n WSe2 homojunction photodetectors. The transfer curves of the as-fabricated photodetector were measured in the dark and 532 nm illumination. By comparison, a photocurrent response characteristic under light irradiation is observed in Fig. 4(a), which may be mainly attributed to the strong light absorption in the WSe2 p–n junction. This then generates a larger density of photoinduced e–h pairs which leads to a reduction of the Schottky barrier, thereby allowing the photogenerated carriers to transmit more effectively along the metal/WSe2 interface under an externally applied bias. To further investigate the performance of WSe2 p–n junction photodetectors and to study their dynamic optical response, time (T)- and gate voltage (VG)-dependent photocurrent measurements under a fixed source–drain bias of 1 V were performed as shown in Fig. 4(b). Here, the time (T)- and source–drain voltage (VD)-dependent photocurrent of the WSe2 p–n junction photodetectors was also measured at the fixed gate bias of 40 V (Fig. 4(c)). As VG swept from +40 to −40 V, the photocurrent enhancement was observed under various VD and VG conditions. In particular, the maximum photocurrent is obtained under a gate bias voltage of 40 V. Meanwhile, prominent variations in the gate-dependent photocurrent can be obtained at both VG < 0 V and VG > 0 V sides. These results suggest that the photocurrent response can be effectively modulated by the gate electric field. In addition, the photocurrent is observed to slightly decrease with time under continuous light irradiation, indicating possible charge trapping effects. Higher gate voltage (40 V) leads to an increase in carrier concentration while the potential barrier at the contact interface becomes narrower. Thus, the charge trap states are relatively more easily filled with carriers, leading to a slight reduction in photocurrent. In contrast, at a gate voltage of 0 V, when the Fermi level is in equilibrium, the carrier density is relatively low. As such, carriers are difficult to be captured by trap states, so minimal photocurrent changes are observed in time-dependent photocurrent measurements (Fig. S6†). The photocurrent characteristics of the junction can be further understood through the energy band diagrams, as shown in Fig. 4(d)–(f). Fig. 4(d) shows the band diagram of the WSe2 p–n junction in the equilibrium state. The Fermi level of the p-type area is near to the valence band, whereas the Fermi level of the n-type part is near to the conduction band. Under reverse bias, the energy barrier at the junction becomes higher as the width of the depletion region increases. Consequently, electrons cannot transmit effectively, and the p–n junction is in the OFF state. Under forward bias, the energy barrier becomes lower, thus allowing electrons to easily pass through the junction, and the p–n junction is in the ON state. This typical p–n junction behavior is consistent with the output curve as shown in Fig. 3(d). Furthermore, the mechanism of photocurrent generated in the dark (Fig. 4(e)) and light (Fig. 4(f)) states was also proposed. When the negative gate voltage is applied in the dark state (Fig. 4(e)), the Fermi level drops below the valence band of the p-type branch, which enables holes to flow easily from the junction into the metal. As a result, there is no current in the p–n junction. When a positive gate voltage is applied, the Fermi level moves into the conduction band in the n-type branch, which allows electrons to easily transfer from the junction into the metal. Therefore, the designed lateral p–n junction shows no current when electrons are dominant carriers. Under light irradiation, the generation of e–h pairs takes place near the depletion region, and the photoexcited carriers are swept from the junction in opposite directions by an externally applied bias, resulting in a net increase in photocurrent, as shown in Fig. 4(f). As a result, internal hole and electron transport combined with the resulting overdose e–h pairs from light absorption increases the current, which is much higher than the dark state (as shown in Fig. 4(e)) even at low gate voltages. In both positive and negative gate biases, the photocurrent is high as the substantial photogenerated e–h pairs can be readily separated and driven toward the cathode and anode contacts in the in situ WSe2 lateral p–n junction.
Next, we further investigated the photoresponse of the designed WSe2 p–n junction by measuring the ID–VD characteristics at the gate bias of −40 V and 40 V, respectively. Under different powers of light illumination (6, 16, 31, and 42 mW), the WSe2 p–n junction exhibited ideal diode characteristics as shown in Fig. 4(g) and (h). The photoresponse figures of merit such as photoresponsivity (R), external quantum efficiency (EQE), and detectivity (D*) are sequentially evaluated. The spectral responses of WSe2 photodetectors were expressed through R, which is defined as the ratio of the photocurrent and the incident laser power, i.e., R = Iph/PLaser, where Iph is the photocurrent = |Ilight − Idark|, and PLaser is the incident laser power per unit area. Here, Iph = |Ilight − Idark| = 6 × 10−6 A, P = L·W/(π·r2)·Pm = 3.5 × 2.5/(3.14 × 302) × 2.7 × 10−5 = 8.4 × 10−8 W, in which L and W are the channel length and channel width, r is the radius, and Pm is the power measured by a power meter. Fig. 4(i) shows the photoresponsivities of the WSe2 photodetector as a function of incident laser power. Another crucial figure of merit for the photodetector is the EQE, which is given by EQE (%) = 100·hcR/eλ, where h is Planck's constant (6.63 × 10−34 j s), c is the speed of light (3 × 108 m s−1), e is the unit charge, and λ is the wavelength of incident light (λ = 532 nm). The EQE of a photodetector represents the ratio of the total number of charge carriers generated to the number of incident photons. Through the above equations, the R and EQE of our p–n junction are calculated to be ∼7.1 × 104 mA W−1 and ∼228%, respectively, outperforming other reported results as summarized in Table 2.10,12,14–17,19,56–59 The high values of R and EQE also demonstrate that the plasma-treated WSe2 p–n junction exhibits a good photoresponsivity. In addition, D* is another figure of merit for photodetector devices to evaluate the detector sensitivity, which is generally calculated using the following equation of D* (Jones) = (R·A1/2)/(Idark·2e)1/2. The D* value obtained for our designed WSe2 p–n junction photodetector was about 3 × 103 Jones. These results prove the effectiveness of O2 plasma treatment for achieving high-performance WSe2-based optoelectronic devices.
Materials | Light irradiation conditions (nm) | R (mA W−1) | Response time (ms) | Ref. |
WSe 2 pn-junction | 532 | 7.1 × 10 4 | 42 | This work |
WSe2/ReS2 pn-junction | 532 | 3 × 103 | 0.004 | 10 |
WSe2 pn-junction | 520 | 80 | 0.106 | 12 |
WSe2/MoSe2 heterojunction | 1550 | 127 | 14 | |
WSe2/h-BN junction | 520 | 1.27 × 109 | 38.2–97 | 15 |
WSe2/ZnO junction | 405 | 4.83 × 106 | 0.01 | 16 |
WSe2/Bi2Te3 pn-junction | 633 | 2.05 × 104 | 0.21 | 17 |
p-Doped WSe2 | 735 | 600 | 0.008 | 19 |
Multi-layer WSe2 | 532 | 100 | 0.01 | 56 |
WSe2/BP/MoS2 heterojunction | 532 | 6.32 × 103 | 57 | |
Multi-layer WSe2/pentacene | 638 | 1.93 × 104 | 58 | |
WSe2/MoS2 heterojunction | 532 | 3.4 | 59 |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |