Issue 21, 2023

Structural elucidation of polydopamine facilitated by ionic liquid solvation


Minimal understanding of the formation mechanism and structure of polydopamine (pDA) and its natural analogue, eumelanin, impedes the practical application of these versatile polymers and limits our knowledge of the origin of melanoma. The lack of conclusive structural evidence stems from the insolubility of these materials, which has spawned significantly diverse suggestions of pDA's structure in the literature. We discovered that pDA is soluble in certain ionic liquids. Using these ionic liquids (ILs) as solvents, we present an experimental methodology to solvate pDA, enabling us to identify pDA's chemical structure. The resolved pDA structure consists of self-assembled supramolecular aggregates that contribute to the increasing complexity of the polymer. The underlying molecular energetics of pDA solvation and a macroscopic picture of the disruption of the aggregates using IL solvents have been investigated, along with studies of the aggregation mechanism in water.

Graphical abstract: Structural elucidation of polydopamine facilitated by ionic liquid solvation

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Article information

Article type
27 ربيع الثاني 1444
19 رجب 1444
First published
20 رجب 1444

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 14700-14710

Author version available

Structural elucidation of polydopamine facilitated by ionic liquid solvation

A. Singh, T. G. Mason, Z. Lu, A. J. Hill, S. J. Pas, B. M. Teo, B. D. Freeman and E. I. Izgorodina, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 14700 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP05439F

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