Issue 45, 2024

MXene-based materials: potential high-performance electrodes for aqueous ion batteries


The pursuit of sustainable and efficient energy storage solutions has increasingly focused on aqueous ion batteries (AIBs), which offer notable advantages in safety, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability, positioning them as viable alternatives to traditional lithium-ion systems. However, the broader adoption of AIBs is contingent upon advancements in the development of stable, high-performance electrode materials and aqueous electrolytes. In this context, MXenes, with their two-dimensional structure, versatile assembly, and superior electrical conductivity, emerge as a pivotal material. They play a crucial role in facilitating ion transport, enhancing electron percolation, stabilizing interfaces, and boosting electrochemical activity. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of recent advancements in MXene-based AIBs, with a particular emphasis on zinc-ion batteries. We delve into the fundamental roles of MXenes in synergy with various active materials, including both inorganic and organic cathodes, as well as metallic anodes. Additionally, we present a summary of the strategies employed in creating composite assemblies for electrode applications. By offering an integrated perspective on the application of MXenes as multifunctional components in AIBs, this review aims to serve as a valuable resource for guiding future research and innovation in the community.

Graphical abstract: MXene-based materials: potential high-performance electrodes for aqueous ion batteries

Article information

Article type
Review Article
14 ኦገስ 2024
06 ኦክቶ 2024
First published
08 ኦክቶ 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 30944-30970

MXene-based materials: potential high-performance electrodes for aqueous ion batteries

X. Chen, Z. Wang, S. Xue, W. Guan, L. Gao, T. Ma, X. Ren, A. Liu and X. Li, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 30944 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA05711B

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