Issue 41, 2024

Mechanical behavior of high-entropy intermetallic compounds and high-entropy ceramics


High-entropy intermetallic compounds (HEICs) and high-entropy ceramics (HECs) are both novel materials obtained by introducing chemical disorder through the mixing of multiple primary components. In comparison to traditional materials, they exhibit superior mechanical properties. However, the widespread application of HEICs and HECs is greatly hindered by their inferior ductility/toughness. In addition, the conventional trial-and-error method for designing HEICs and HECs is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the mechanical properties of the final samples are highly uncertain. The primary aim of this review is to summarize the latest research progress on HEICs and HECs, with a focus on relevant phase structure prediction criteria and strengthening/toughening strategies, in order to accelerate their engineering applications. In this article, we have compiled the applications of machine learning and descriptor criteria in the prediction of phase structures. Furthermore, various strengthening/toughening strategies applied in HEICs and HECs were discussed, including solid solution strengthening, second-phase strengthening, nano-composite strengthening, etc. Finally, the challenges and future research directions of HEICs and HECs were also addressed.

Graphical abstract: Mechanical behavior of high-entropy intermetallic compounds and high-entropy ceramics

Article information

Article type
Review Article
17 ጁን 2024
16 ሴፕቴ 2024
First published
18 ሴፕቴ 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 27855-27891

Mechanical behavior of high-entropy intermetallic compounds and high-entropy ceramics

B. Li, J. Sun, X. Li and J. Zhao, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 27855 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA04183F

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