Issue 4, 2016

“Not quenched” aggregates of a triphenylene derivative for the sensitive detection of trinitrotoluene in aqueous medium


Triphenylene derivative 4 bearing gallic acid groups at the periphery has been synthesized. Derivative 4 formed “not quenched” porous aggregates in mixed aqueous medium. These aggregates served as potent chemosensors for the selective detection of trinitrotoluene (TNT) in mixed aqueous media and the detection limit in the range of 228.6 × 10−12 g L−1 (228.6 parts per quadrillion) was observed. Interestingly, due to the porous morphology of these aggregates of derivative 4, they could detect TNT in the vapor phase also. In addition, the dip strips coated by the aggregates of derivative 4 could detect TNT in contact mode with detection limits of 22.7 attograms cm−2.

Graphical abstract: “Not quenched” aggregates of a triphenylene derivative for the sensitive detection of trinitrotoluene in aqueous medium

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Article information

Article type
04 nóv. 2015
28 jan. 2016
First published
28 jan. 2016

New J. Chem., 2016,40, 3187-3193

Author version available

“Not quenched” aggregates of a triphenylene derivative for the sensitive detection of trinitrotoluene in aqueous medium

H. Arora, S. Pramanik, M. Kumar and V. Bhalla, New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 3187 DOI: 10.1039/C5NJ03093E

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