Issue 20, 2015

Metal nanocluster light-emitting devices with suppressed parasitic emission and improved efficiency: exploring the impact of photophysical properties


Here we investigate the photophysical properties of Au(0)@Au(I)-thiolate nanoclusters by controlling the degree of aggregation, and measure electrochemical energy levels to design a metal nanocluster-based thin film LED (MNC-LED) structure. These efforts allow us to implement MNC-LEDs with luminance exceeding 40 cd m−2 and external quantum efficiency exceeding 0.1% with clearly visible orange emission. It is also demonstrated that by varying the sizes of nanoclusters, the electroluminescence spectrum of the device can be tuned to the infrared emission, indicating the possibility of exploiting metal nanocluster emitters for use over a wide spectral range.

Graphical abstract: Metal nanocluster light-emitting devices with suppressed parasitic emission and improved efficiency: exploring the impact of photophysical properties

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Article information

Article type
27 feb. 2015
17 apr. 2015
First published
22 apr. 2015

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 9140-9146

Author version available

Metal nanocluster light-emitting devices with suppressed parasitic emission and improved efficiency: exploring the impact of photophysical properties

T.-W. Koh, A. M. Hiszpanski, M. Sezen, A. Naim, T. Galfsky, A. Trivedi, Y.-L. Loo, V. Menon and B. P. Rand, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 9140 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR01332A

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