Issue 7, 2016

Batch process particle separation using surface acoustic waves (SAW): integration of travelling and standing SAW


Acoustic fields offer a versatile and non-contact method for particle and cell manipulation, where several acoustofluidic systems have been developed for the purpose of sorting. However, in almost all cases, these systems utilize a steady flow to either define the exposure time to the acoustic field or to counteract the acoustic forces. Batch-based systems, within which sorting occurs in a confined volume, are compatible with smaller sample volumes without the need for externally pumped flow, though remain relatively underdeveloped. Here, the effects of utilizing a combination of travelling and standing waves on particles of different sizes are examined. We use a pressure field combining both travelling and standing wave components along with a swept excitation frequency, to collect and isolate particles of different sizes in a static fluid volume. This mechanism is employed to demonstrate size-based deterministic sorting of particles. Specifically, 5.1 μm and 7 μm particles are separated using a frequency range from 60 MHz to 90 MHz, and 5.1 μm particles are separated from 3.1 μm using an excitation sweeping between 70 MHz and 120 MHz.

Graphical abstract: Batch process particle separation using surface acoustic waves (SAW): integration of travelling and standing SAW

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
18 sep. 2015
22 des. 2015
First published
07 jan. 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 5856-5864

Author version available

Batch process particle separation using surface acoustic waves (SAW): integration of travelling and standing SAW

C. Devendran, N. R. Gunasekara, D. J. Collins and A. Neild, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 5856 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA26965B

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