Issue 32, 2024

Local changes in protein filament properties drive large-scale membrane transformations involved in endosome tethering and fusion


Large-scale cellular transformations are triggered by subtle physical and structural changes to individual biomacromolecular and membrane components. A prototypical example of such an event is the orchestrated fusion of membranes within an endosome that enables transport of cargo and processing of biochemical moieties. In this work, we demonstrate how protein filaments on the endosomal membrane surface can leverage a rigid-to-flexible transformation to elicit a large-scale change in membrane flexibility to enable membrane fusion. We develop a polymer field-theoretic model that captures molecular alignment arising from nematic interactions with varying surface density and fraction of flexible filaments, which are biologically controlled within the endosomal membrane. We then predict the collective elasticity of the filament brush in response to changes in the filament alignment, predicting a greater than 20-fold increase of the effective membrane elasticity over the bare membrane elasticity that is triggered by filament alignment. These results show that the endosome can modulate the filament properties to orchestrate membrane fluidization that facilitates vesicle fusion, providing an example of how active processes that modulate local molecular properties can result in large-scale transformations that are essential to cellular survival.

Graphical abstract: Local changes in protein filament properties drive large-scale membrane transformations involved in endosome tethering and fusion

Article information

Article type
08 Mar 2024
29 May 2024
First published
05 Jun 2024

Soft Matter, 2024,20, 6332-6342

Local changes in protein filament properties drive large-scale membrane transformations involved in endosome tethering and fusion

A. Ghosh and A. J. Spakowitz, Soft Matter, 2024, 20, 6332 DOI: 10.1039/D4SM00299G

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