Issue 1, 2023

Boosting the efficiency of urea synthesis via cooperative electroreduction of N2 and CO2 on MoP


By combining theoretical and experimental efforts, we designed the MoP-(101) surface and explored its potential as catalyst for urea production. Our computations revealed that N2 and CO2 reactants can be effectively reduced to urea on the MoP-(101) surface with a low limiting potential (−0.27 V); the competitive side reactions are well suppressed, and the *NHCONH species is a key reaction intermediate for the C–N coupling during urea synthesis. Our experimental measurements confirmed the above theoretical predictions: urea synthesis was achieved with the urea formation rate of 12.4 μg h−1 mg−1 and the faradaic efficiency of 36.5%. This work not only highlights the critical role of the abundant Mo active sites for urea electrosynthesis but also provides a new mechanism for C–N coupling, which may be used to further develop other efficient electrocatalysts.

Graphical abstract: Boosting the efficiency of urea synthesis via cooperative electroreduction of N2 and CO2 on MoP

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Article information

Article type
26 Sep 2022
16 Nov 2022
First published
17 Nov 2022

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11, 232-240

Boosting the efficiency of urea synthesis via cooperative electroreduction of N2 and CO2 on MoP

D. Jiao, Y. Dong, X. Cui, Q. Cai, C. R. Cabrera, J. Zhao and Z. Chen, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 232 DOI: 10.1039/D2TA07531H

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