Issue 26, 2023

Design and development of intramolecular doubly vinylogous Michael addition to access 3-aryl substituted 2-alkenyl-benzofurans and -indoles


Herein, we have disclosed a rare example of an intramolecular doubly vinylogous Michael addition (DVMA). The reaction design exploits the innate reactivity of ortho-heteroatom substituted para-quinone methide (p-QM) derivatives. The sequential reaction of p-QMs and activated allyl halides proceeds through heteroatom-allylation, DVMA and oxidation to furnish a diverse range of 2-alkenyl benzofuran and 2-alkenyl indole derivatives in high yields.

Graphical abstract: Design and development of intramolecular doubly vinylogous Michael addition to access 3-aryl substituted 2-alkenyl-benzofurans and -indoles

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Article information

Article type
31 May 2023
08 Jun 2023
First published
08 Jun 2023

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2023,21, 5387-5397

Design and development of intramolecular doubly vinylogous Michael addition to access 3-aryl substituted 2-alkenyl-benzofurans and -indoles

M. Subbi Reddy, J. B. Nanubolu and S. Suresh, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2023, 21, 5387 DOI: 10.1039/D3OB00861D

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