Issue 40, 2023

How an electrical current can stabilize a molecular nanojunction


The stability of molecular junctions under transport is of the utmost importance for the field of molecular electronics. This question is often addressed within the paradigm of current-induced heating of nuclear degrees of freedom or current-induced forces acting upon the nuclei. At the same time, an essential characteristic of the failure of a molecular electronic device is its changing conductance – typically from a finite value for the intact device to zero for a device that lost its functionality. In this publication, we focus on the current-induced changes in the molecular conductance, which are inherent to molecular junctions at the limit of mechanical stability. We employ a numerically exact framework based on the hierarchical equations of motion approach, which treats both electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom on an equal footing and does not impose additional assumptions. Studying generic model systems for molecular junctions with dissociative potentials for a wide range of parameters spanning the adiabatic and the nonadiabatic regime, we find that molecular junctions that exhibit a decrease in conductance upon dissociation are more stable than junctions that are more conducting in their dissociated state. This represents a new mechanism that stabilizes molecular junctions under current. Moreover, we identify characteristic signatures in the current of breaking junctions related to the interplay between changes in the conductance and the nuclear configuration and show how these are related to properties of the leads rather than characteristics of the molecule itself.

Graphical abstract: How an electrical current can stabilize a molecular nanojunction

Article information

Article type
10 May 2023
14 Sep 2023
First published
28 Sep 2023

Nanoscale, 2023,15, 16333-16343

How an electrical current can stabilize a molecular nanojunction

A. Erpenbeck, Y. Ke, U. Peskin and M. Thoss, Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 16333 DOI: 10.1039/D3NR02176A

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