Issue 16, 2023

The reaction kinetics and mechanism of catalytic decomposition of hydrazine nitrate on Ru/C catalyst in nitric acid solutions


Catalytic decomposition of hydrazine nitrate is a very important research topic in the environmental protection field. Herein, we used an Ru/C catalyst for the decomposition of hydrazine nitrate in HNO3, and the reaction kinetics and mechanism were studied in detail. The kinetics study of the decomposition of hydrazine nitrate (0.01 M) was conducted in the temperature range 313–343 K in 0.1 M HNO3 in the presence of Ru/C. The apparent activation energy for this reaction was 46.6 kJ mol−1 according to a fitting of the experimental data, while the reaction order was 1.5. It was also found that the reaction pathway of the catalytic decomposition of hydrazine nitrate on the Ru/C catalyst involved two processes: heterogeneous catalytic disproportionation of hydrazine nitrate at the catalyst surface and oxidation of hydrazine nitrate with catalytically generated HNO2.

Graphical abstract: The reaction kinetics and mechanism of catalytic decomposition of hydrazine nitrate on Ru/C catalyst in nitric acid solutions

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Article information

Article type
13 Jan 2023
16 Mar 2023
First published
17 Mar 2023

New J. Chem., 2023,47, 7583-7587

The reaction kinetics and mechanism of catalytic decomposition of hydrazine nitrate on Ru/C catalyst in nitric acid solutions

B. Li, T. He, C. Zuo, Z. Cao, T. Yan and W. Zheng, New J. Chem., 2023, 47, 7583 DOI: 10.1039/D3NJ00193H

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