Issue 19, 2023

Light-manipulated binary droplet transport on a high-energy surface


Flexible and precise manipulation of droplet transport is of significance for scientific and engineering applications, but real-time and on-demand droplet manipulation remains a challenge. Herein, we report a strategy using light for the outstanding manipulation of binary droplet motion on a high-energy surface and reveal the underlying mechanism. Upon irradiation to a substrate by a focused light beam, the substrate can provide a localized heating source via photothermal conversion, and a binary droplet can be flexibly transported on a high-energy surface with free contact-line pinning, exhibiting light-propelled droplet transport. We theoretically showed that the surface tension gradient across the droplet interface resulting from the localized photothermal effect is responsible for actuating droplet transport. Remarkably, the high reconfigurability and flexibility of light allowed for binary droplet transport with dynamically tunable velocity and direction as well as arbitrary trajectory assisted by 2D channels on a high-energy surface. Complex droplet transportation, controllable droplet coalescence, and anti-gravity motion were realized. The promising applicability of this light-fueled droplet platform was also demonstrated by directional transport of biosample droplets containing DNA molecules and cells, as well as successional microreactions.

Graphical abstract: Light-manipulated binary droplet transport on a high-energy surface

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
04 Jul 2023
27 Aug 2023
First published
28 Aug 2023

Lab Chip, 2023,23, 4287-4301

Light-manipulated binary droplet transport on a high-energy surface

W. Li, D. Li, X. Zhu, D. Ye, Y. Yang, H. Wang, R. Chen and Q. Liao, Lab Chip, 2023, 23, 4287 DOI: 10.1039/D3LC00582H

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