Issue 17, 2023

Three-component reaction for the synthesis of imides enabled by electrochemical C(sp3)–H functionalization


An electrochemical three-component reaction cascade Mumm rearrangement was developed for the synthesis of imides. Commercially available aryl acids, nitriles, and alkylbenzenes were used as substrates without pre-functionalization, and the reactions were conducted under transition metal- and chemical oxidant-free conditions. Subsequent hydrolysis or reduction of the imide products could be easily achieved to synthesize amides, as well as primary or tertiary amines.

Graphical abstract: Three-component reaction for the synthesis of imides enabled by electrochemical C(sp3)–H functionalization

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Article information

Article type
18 Jun 2023
25 Jul 2023
First published
26 Jul 2023

Green Chem., 2023,25, 6728-6732

Three-component reaction for the synthesis of imides enabled by electrochemical C(sp3)–H functionalization

Q. Chu, Z. Feng, S. Zhang, P. Liu and P. Sun, Green Chem., 2023, 25, 6728 DOI: 10.1039/D3GC02174B

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