Estimation of primary nucleation rates from nucleation time distribution data
Nucleation (or induction) time, the time elapsed from the instance of creation of supercooling a solution to the instance of detection of a first nucleation event, differs widely in a stochastic manner when samples are small like droplets. The nucleation time distributions Pr(t) are closely related to primary nucleation rates. Many attempts have been made to estimate primary nucleation rates from Pr(t). When the plot of ln Pr(t) vs. t is not linear, primary nucleation rates have never been estimated successfully, although these non-linear plots are frequently encountered in reality. This paper proposes a new method for estimating primary nucleation rates from non-linear Pr(t) distribution data. Primary nucleation rates were extracted by analyzing literature data of Pr(t) distributions. The extracted nucleation rates were heterogeneous ones. The relevance of mononuclear-mode nucleation in small samples to polynuclear-mode nucleation in large industrial-scale crystallizers is discussed theoretically.