Issue 16, 2023

Phase transformation of calcium carbonate in acetonitrile/H2O mixed solvents: effects of water content and dielectric constant


Organic co-solvents are able to tune crystal morphologies and create single-crystal nanocomposites. Here, we used acetonitrile/H2O binary solvent mixtures with different volume ratios to study the phase transformation of calcium carbonate. We found out that calcium carbonate went through a dissolution recrystallization pathway, or Ostwald ripening process, which largely depends on the content of water and dielectric constant. These findings provide an effective strategy to synthesise biominerals by the use of organic solvents alone.

Graphical abstract: Phase transformation of calcium carbonate in acetonitrile/H2O mixed solvents: effects of water content and dielectric constant

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Article information

Article type
31 Dec 2022
08 Mar 2023
First published
14 Mar 2023

CrystEngComm, 2023,25, 2448-2455

Phase transformation of calcium carbonate in acetonitrile/H2O mixed solvents: effects of water content and dielectric constant

W. Zou, Z. Xie and C. Du, CrystEngComm, 2023, 25, 2448 DOI: 10.1039/D2CE01709A

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