Issue 3, 2023

Lung-on-chip microdevices to foster pulmonary drug discovery


Respiratory diseases account for unprecedented mortality owing to a lack of personalized or insufficient therapeutic interventions. Fostering pulmonary research into managing pulmonary threat requires a potential alternative approach that can mimick the in vivo complexities of the human body. The in vitro miniaturized bionic simulation of the lung holds great potential in the quest for a successful therapeutic intervention. This review discusses the emerging roles of lung-on-chip microfluidic simulator devices in fostering translational pulmonary drug discovery and personalized medicine. This review also explicates how the lung-on-chip model emulates the breathing patterns, elasticity, and vascularization of lungs in creating a 3D pulmonary microenvironment.

Graphical abstract: Lung-on-chip microdevices to foster pulmonary drug discovery

Article information

Article type
Review Article
18 Jun 2022
20 Oct 2022
First published
28 Nov 2022

Biomater. Sci., 2023,11, 777-790

Lung-on-chip microdevices to foster pulmonary drug discovery

Y. Sisodia, K. Shah, A. Ali Sayyed, M. Jain, S. A. Ali, P. Gondaliya, K. Kalia and R. K. Tekade, Biomater. Sci., 2023, 11, 777 DOI: 10.1039/D2BM00951J

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