Issue 32, 2022

An injectable thermosensitive hydrogel with a self-assembled peptide coupled with an antimicrobial peptide for enhanced wound healing


A wound dressing based on a thermosensitive hydrogel shows advantages over performed traditional dressings, such as rapid reversible sol–gel–sol transition properties and the capacity to fill an irregular-shaped wound area. Herein, RA-Amps was fabricated by coupling a self-assembled peptide RADA16 with an antibacterial peptide (Amps) and incorporated into a PNIPAM hydrogel containing an MGF E peptide to develop a multi-functional composite hydrogel with thermo-response properties, good biocompatibility, good mechanical properties, and antibacterial and carrier functions for wound healing. PNI/RA-Amps is an injectable thermo-reversible system with a phase transition temperature of ∼32 °C, and exhibits a rapid reversible sol–gel–sol transition of ∼23 s, which makes it conducive to sealing the wound area and avoiding sol diffusion caused by a lengthy gel time. MGF E peptide was loaded into a hydrogel and released continuously to promote fibroblast proliferation. Rat full-thickness skin experiments revealed that the PNI/RA-Amps/E hydrogel accelerates wound healing significantly by accelerating epithelialization, the generation of new blood vessels and promoting the generation of collagen fiber compared with commercial dressing. Thus, our findings establish a new candidate for use as an injectable wound dressing for the clinical treatment of wounds.

Graphical abstract: An injectable thermosensitive hydrogel with a self-assembled peptide coupled with an antimicrobial peptide for enhanced wound healing

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Article information

Article type
24 Mar 2022
19 Jul 2022
First published
20 Jul 2022

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2022,10, 6143-6157

An injectable thermosensitive hydrogel with a self-assembled peptide coupled with an antimicrobial peptide for enhanced wound healing

T. Feng, H. Wu, W. Ma, Z. Wang, C. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Wang, M. Zhang and L. Hao, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2022, 10, 6143 DOI: 10.1039/D2TB00644H

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