Issue 25, 2022

Spatiotemporal tracking of the transport of RNA nano-drugs: from transmembrane to intracellular delivery


The popularity of RNA nanoparticles (RNPs) has risen rapidly during the past decade due to the development of RNA nanotechnology. Understanding the fast dynamic process of cell entry and intracellular delivery of RNPs is essential for the design of intelligent therapeutic RNA nano-drugs and mRNA vaccines.How the interaction between the membrane and target ligand of RNPs influences the cell entry, and how the dynamic mechanism of RNPs takes place in different organelles remain ill-defined. Herein, the cell entry of Antimir21-RNP-Apt is monitored using a force tracing technique with a high spatiotemporal resolution at the single particle level, the specific interaction of Apt and EGFR promotes the cell entry efficiency and achieves long-lasting curative effects. Furthermore, the intracellular delivery pathway through different organelles is discovered using fluorescence tracking, and the low motility in early endosomes and the high motility in late endosomes are analyzed. This report provides key strategies for engineering RNA nanomedicines and facilitating clinical translation.

Graphical abstract: Spatiotemporal tracking of the transport of RNA nano-drugs: from transmembrane to intracellular delivery

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Article information

Article type
19 Feb 2022
14 May 2022
First published
17 May 2022

Nanoscale, 2022,14, 8919-8928

Spatiotemporal tracking of the transport of RNA nano-drugs: from transmembrane to intracellular delivery

X. Pang, Q. Zhang, S. Li, J. Zhao, M. Cai, H. Wang, H. Xu, G. Yang and Y. Shan, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 8919 DOI: 10.1039/D2NR00988A

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