Issue 39, 2022

Preparation of new microporous europium silicate molecular sieve by selective leaching of alkali metal cations from europium silicate Eu-AV-9


Acid treatment of crystalline silicates is a facile method of creating pores for the preparation of crystalline silica-based microporous materials, but its success depends on the acid treatment conditions and both the composition and crystallinity of the starting silicates. Here, europium silicate Eu-AV-9 containing Na+, K+, and Eu3+ ions was treated with acetic acid for 1 d or 14 d to synthesize microporous silicate with high Eu loading by the selective leaching of K+ and Na+ from the silicate. The acid-treated Eu-AV-9 had both crystallinity and microporosity capable of adsorbing CO2, while the adsorption of Ar was very low. In addition, the values of both micropore volume and BET area of acid-treated samples increased when the time of acid treatment was increased. This result was attributed to the formation of structural defects caused by eliminating Eu in Eu-AV-9 over time of acid treatment.

Graphical abstract: Preparation of new microporous europium silicate molecular sieve by selective leaching of alkali metal cations from europium silicate Eu-AV-9

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Article information

Article type
09 Aug 2022
08 Sep 2022
First published
09 Sep 2022

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 14945-14951

Preparation of new microporous europium silicate molecular sieve by selective leaching of alkali metal cations from europium silicate Eu-AV-9

H. Noda, M. Koike, R. Sakai, H. Wada, A. Shimojima and K. Kuroda, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 14945 DOI: 10.1039/D2DT02608B

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