Issue 53, 2022

A highly enantioselective approach towards optically active γ-amino alcohols by tin-catalyzed kinetic resolution of 1,3-amino alcohols


A highly enantioselective kinetic resolution of racemic 1,3-amino alcohols via O-Acylation was achieved using a chiral organotin as the catalyst. Alkyl- and aryl-substituted 1,3-amino alcohols were resolved with excellent efficiencies to afford the recovered 1,3-amino alcohols and acylative products with high enantioselectivities, with s factors up to >600. Notably, the chiral organotin catalyst was more selective for anti-1,3-amino alcohols than for syn-isomers. A Gram-scale reaction with loading using 2 mol% catalysts demonstrated the utility of this protocol.

Graphical abstract: A highly enantioselective approach towards optically active γ-amino alcohols by tin-catalyzed kinetic resolution of 1,3-amino alcohols

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Article information

Article type
06 Apr 2022
27 May 2022
First published
30 May 2022

Chem. Commun., 2022,58, 7392-7395

A highly enantioselective approach towards optically active γ-amino alcohols by tin-catalyzed kinetic resolution of 1,3-amino alcohols

J. Song and W. Zheng, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 7392 DOI: 10.1039/D2CC01963A

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