Issue 16, 2021

Coexistence of intrinsic piezoelectricity and nontrivial band topology in monolayer InXO (X = Se and Te)


The combination of piezoelectricity with other unique properties (like the topological insulating phase and intrinsic ferromagnetism) in two-dimensional (2D) materials is worthy of much intensive study. In this work, the piezoelectric properties of 2D topological insulators InXO (X = Se and Te), derived from monolayer InX (X = Se and Te) by double-side oxygen functionalization, are studied by density functional theory (DFT). Large piezoelectric strain coefficients (e.g. d11 = −13.02 pm V−1 for InSeO and d11 = −9.64 pm V−1 for InTeO) are predicted, which are comparable and even higher than those of many other familiar 2D materials. Moreover, we propose two strategies to enhance the piezoelectric response of monolayer InXO (X = Se and Te). Firstly, biaxial strain (0.94–1.06) is applied, and the d11 (absolute value) is increased by 53%/56% for monolayer InSeO/InTeO at 1.06 strain, which is due to the increased e11 (absolute value) and reduced C11C12. In the considered strain range, the InXO (X = Se and Te) monolayers are always 2D topological insulators, which confirms the coexistence of piezoelectricity and nontrivial band topology. Secondly, a Janus monolayer In2SeTeO2 is designed by replacing the top Se/Te atomic layer in monolayer InSeO/InTeO with Te/Se atoms, and is dynamically and mechanically stable. More excitingly, Janus monolayer In2SeTeO2 is also a 2D topological insulator with sizeable bulk gap of up to 0.158 eV, confirming the coexistence of intrinsic piezoelectricity and its topological nature. The calculated d11 is −9.9 pm V−1, which is in the middle of those of InSeO and InTeO monolayers. Finally, the carrier mobilities of monolayer InXO (X = Se and Te) are obtained, which show a rather pronounced anisotropy between electrons and holes, and are almost isotropic between the armchair and zigzag directions. Our work implies that it is possible to use the piezotronic effect to control the quantum transport process, ultimately leading to the novel device applications of monolayer InXO (X = Se and Te), and can stimulate further experimental work.

Graphical abstract: Coexistence of intrinsic piezoelectricity and nontrivial band topology in monolayer InXO (X = Se and Te)

Article information

Article type
28 Jan 2021
10 Mar 2021
First published
10 Mar 2021

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021,9, 5460-5468

Coexistence of intrinsic piezoelectricity and nontrivial band topology in monolayer InXO (X = Se and Te)

S. Guo, W. Mu, Y. Zhu, S. Wang and G. Wang, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 5460 DOI: 10.1039/D1TC00414J

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