Issue 42, 2021

Application of a super-stretched self-healing elastomer based on methyl vinyl silicone rubber for wearable electronic sensors


Wearable electronic devices, represented by wearable sensors with self-healing properties, are key to the development of the relevant research studies. However, problems of sensors such as low sensitivity, low flexibility, low durability and poor self-healing ability remain to be solved. Herein, we designed and prepared a new type of silicone-based self-healing elastomer MVSR-UPY in which methyl vinyl silicone rubber was modified by an olefin decomposition reaction, and then constructed a quadruple hydrogen bonding network by introducing 2-ureido-4[1H]-pyrimidinones (UPY). The prepared elastomer that can be recycled and reprocessed was endowed with excellent self-healing and super-stretching properties of up to 2000%. A three-layer (LBL) strain sensor with high sensitivity and durability was fabricated using the elastomer as the substrate, which was able to monitor various activities of the human body accurately. It is notable that writing different letters on the sensor produces different resistance signals and makes it possible for us to distinguish between the written letters. Therefore, the sensor we designed can meet the various needs of wearable electronic devices and provide more possibilities for its development.

Graphical abstract: Application of a super-stretched self-healing elastomer based on methyl vinyl silicone rubber for wearable electronic sensors

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
12 Aug 2021
04 Oct 2021
First published
07 Oct 2021

Polym. Chem., 2021,12, 6145-6153

Application of a super-stretched self-healing elastomer based on methyl vinyl silicone rubber for wearable electronic sensors

T. Yu, Y. Shan, Z. Li, X. Wang, H. Cui, K. Yang and Y. Cui, Polym. Chem., 2021, 12, 6145 DOI: 10.1039/D1PY01089A

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