Issue 23, 2021

Room-temperature NH3 gas sensor based on atomically dispersed Co with a simple structure


Nowadays, in order to realize gas sensing for NH3 at room temperature, gas sensors are becoming more and more complex in structure. As a new emerging material, atomically dispersed (AD) Co also shows great potential in gas sensor fields because of its unique structural and electronic properties. For the first time, AD CoNC with a simple structure was utilized for NH3 detection at room temperature, which exhibited high stability as well as selectivity. The as-prepared AD CoNC material was characterized by various techniques to show the morphology and existing form of the Co atoms. The sensing behavior of an AD CoNC gas sensor was measured systematically. In addition, the gas sensing mechanism at room temperature for NH3 is also discussed in depth. This indicates that AD CoNC as well as other ADs could act as NH3 gas sensors with great prospects.

Graphical abstract: Room-temperature NH3 gas sensor based on atomically dispersed Co with a simple structure

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
08 Mar 2021
06 May 2021
First published
07 May 2021

New J. Chem., 2021,45, 10240-10247

Room-temperature NH3 gas sensor based on atomically dispersed Co with a simple structure

R. Tian, P. Ji, Z. Luo, J. Li and J. Sun, New J. Chem., 2021, 45, 10240 DOI: 10.1039/D1NJ01139A

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