Issue 4, 2021

meso-borneol- and meso-carbazole-substituted porphyrins: multifunctional chromophores with tunable electronic structures and antitumor activities


Herein, a series of five C2 symmetric H2porphyrins with meso-borneol and meso-carbazole units have been synthesized and isolated. An analysis of the electronic structures was carried out by spectroscopic investigations and electrochemical illustrations. In addition, the chiral optical properties observed in the CD spectra can be assigned to the interchromophore through-space coupling between the borneol chiral center and the porphyrinic chromophore. Further investigation of the anticancer behaviors shows that the modulation of the biological activity behaviors could be facilely achieved by introducing various halogen atoms on the carbazole rings.

Graphical abstract: meso-borneol- and meso-carbazole-substituted porphyrins: multifunctional chromophores with tunable electronic structures and antitumor activities

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Article information

Article type
11 Jun 2020
20 Dec 2020
First published
01 Jan 2021

New J. Chem., 2021,45, 2141-2146

meso-borneol- and meso-carbazole-substituted porphyrins: multifunctional chromophores with tunable electronic structures and antitumor activities

B. Fu, X. Dong, X. Yu, Z. Zhang, L. Sun, W. Zhu, X. Liang and H. Xu, New J. Chem., 2021, 45, 2141 DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ02954H

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