Issue 11, 2021

Electrocatalytic performance of tyrosinase detection in Penaeus vannamei based on a [(PSS/PPy)(P2Mo18/PPy)5] multilayer composite film modified electrode


Polyoxometalates (POMs) are widely used in the preparation of sensors that detect the content of substances because of their excellent electron transfer capabilities. In this paper, a [(PSS/PPy)(P2Mo18/PPy)5] multilayer composite film modified electrode was prepared by the potentiostatic deposition method. The electrochemical performance of the modified electrode was studied by cyclic voltammetry under the conditions of different modified layers, different supporting electrolytes and different sweep rates. Different concentrations of tyrosinase were catalyzed by the modified electrode under a suitable supporting electrolyte, and the electrochemical sensing of tyrosinase by the modified electrode was studied. The research results show that the modified electrode has good stability and reproducibility for electrochemical sensing of tyrosinase, and the response current has a good linear relationship with the amount of tyrosinase added. Taking peak III as an example, the detection limit (S/N = 3) was 2.7649 U mL−1. It can be known from the timing ampere curve that as the concentration of tyrosinase in the reaction system continues to increase, its response current increases stepwise, providing a linear curve in the range of 3.66 U mL−1 to 26.87 U mL−1, and the minimum detection limit (S/N = 3) reaches 0.0021 U mL−1. The [(PSS/PPy)(P2Mo18/PPy)5] multilayer composite membrane modified electrode was used to detect tyrosinase in Penaeus vannamei. The spiked recovery of the sample was 96.3–100.8%, indicating that the modified electrode has high accuracy and can be used for the detection of tyrosinase in actual samples.

Graphical abstract: Electrocatalytic performance of tyrosinase detection in Penaeus vannamei based on a [(PSS/PPy)(P2Mo18/PPy)5] multilayer composite film modified electrode

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Article information

Article type
23 Dec 2020
09 Feb 2021
First published
12 Feb 2021

Anal. Methods, 2021,13, 1392-1403

Electrocatalytic performance of tyrosinase detection in Penaeus vannamei based on a [(PSS/PPy)(P2Mo18/PPy)5] multilayer composite film modified electrode

X. Ding, S. Cai, L. Wang and Y. Zhang, Anal. Methods, 2021, 13, 1392 DOI: 10.1039/D0AY02328K

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