Issue 42, 2020

The catalyst-free decarboxylative dearomatization of isoquinolines with β-keto acids and sulfonyl chlorides in water: access to dihydroisoquinoline derivatives


An efficient and concise catalyst-free one-pot synthetic protocol for obtaining dihydroisoquinoline derivatives has been developed via the three-component condensation of isoquinolines with β-keto acids and sulfonyl chlorides. This transformation involving decarboxylative dearomatization worked well under mild and water-mediated conditions. The protocol tolerates diverse functional groups, furnishing the dihydroisoquinoline products in good to excellent yields.

Graphical abstract: The catalyst-free decarboxylative dearomatization of isoquinolines with β-keto acids and sulfonyl chlorides in water: access to dihydroisoquinoline derivatives

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Article information

Article type
31 Aug 2020
07 Oct 2020
First published
08 Oct 2020

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2020,18, 8646-8652

The catalyst-free decarboxylative dearomatization of isoquinolines with β-keto acids and sulfonyl chlorides in water: access to dihydroisoquinoline derivatives

Y. Zhang, F. Han, L. Jia and X. Hu, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2020, 18, 8646 DOI: 10.1039/D0OB01799J

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