Issue 15, 2020

Spin crossover in Fe(triazole)–Pt nanoparticle self-assembly structured at the sub-5 nm scale


A main goal of molecular electronics is to relate the performance of devices to the structure and electronic state of molecules. Among the variety of possibilities that organic, organometallic and coordination chemistries offer to tune the energy levels of molecular components, spin crossover phenomenon is a perfect candidate for elaboration of molecular switches. The reorganization of the electronic state population of the molecules associated to the spin crossover can indeed lead to a significant change in conductivity. However, molecular spin crossover is very sensitive to the environment and can disappear once the molecules are integrated into devices. Here, we show that the association of ultra-small 1.2 nm platinum nanoparticles with FeII triazole-based spin crossover coordination polymers leads to self-assemblies, extremely well organized at the sub-3 nm scale. The quasi-perfect alignment of nanoparticles observed by transmission electron microscopy, in addition to specific signature in infrared spectroscopy, demonstrates the coordination of the long-chain molecules with the nanoparticles. Spin crossover is confirmed in such assemblies by X-ray absorption spectroscopic measurements and shows unambiguous characteristics both in magnetic and charge transport measurements. Coordinating polymers are therefore ideal candidates for the elaboration of robust, well-organized, hybrid self-assemblies with metallic nanoparticles, while maintaining sensitive functional properties, such as spin crossover.

Graphical abstract: Spin crossover in Fe(triazole)–Pt nanoparticle self-assembly structured at the sub-5 nm scale

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
15 Jan 2020
24 Mar 2020
First published
03 Apr 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 8180-8187

Spin crossover in Fe(triazole)–Pt nanoparticle self-assembly structured at the sub-5 nm scale

S. Usmani, M. Mikolasek, A. Gillet, J. Sanchez Costa, M. Rigoulet, B. Chaudret, A. Bousseksou, B. Lassalle-Kaiser, P. Demont, G. Molnár, L. Salmon, J. Carrey and S. Tricard, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 8180 DOI: 10.1039/D0NR02154G

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