Issue 20, 2019

On a blue emitting phosphor Na3RbMg7(PO4)6:Eu2+ showing ultra high thermal stability


This work concerns a novel blue emitting LED phosphor activated by Eu2+. It was found that this luminescent material can be efficiently pumped by near UV or UV-A radiation sources while it exhibits a high quantum yield at a doping level between 0.3 and 3.0%. More impressively, this material has a very high quenching temperature T1/2 and will thus be applicable on-chip in high power phosphor converted LEDs or even in laser diodes. The emission and thermal stability are almost identical to that of BAM:Eu2+ while the absorption band is broader and reaches into the near UV range. Therefore, Na3RbMg7(PO4)6:Eu2+ is a promising candidate as a blue emitter in high CRI full conversion LEDs. To investigate the site preference of Eu2+, DFT and Ligand Field Theory based calculations were performed to successfully predict the emission spectrum. An unusual decay behavior was observed at low temperatures and the underlying mechanism involving spin-forbidden transitions of Eu2+ is discussed.

Graphical abstract: On a blue emitting phosphor Na3RbMg7(PO4)6:Eu2+ showing ultra high thermal stability

Article information

Article type
25 Jan 2019
16 Apr 2019
First published
17 Apr 2019

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019,7, 6012-6021

On a blue emitting phosphor Na3RbMg7(PO4)6:Eu2+ showing ultra high thermal stability

D. Böhnisch, J. Rosenboom, A. García-Fuente, W. Urland, T. Jüstel and F. Baur, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 6012 DOI: 10.1039/C9TC00482C

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