Unusual crowding-induced chain looping kinetics in hard-sphere fluids: a contrastive study with polymer solutions
A theoretical framework is developed to investigate the looping kinetics of a chain in hard-sphere (HS) fluids, based on a generalized Smoluchowski diffusion-reaction equation. A contrastive study with polymer solutions is performed. The crowding-associated effective viscosity and collapse effects are properly taken into account, which obey different scaling relations in HS and polymer fluids. We examine the dependence of the looping time on both concentration and size of crowders, demonstrating unusual and distinct discrepancies in the two crowded media. Firstly, in the solution of large polymers, the looping rate grows monotonically with polymer concentration. On the other hand, in the solution of large HSs, a caging regime can be observed, where the looping time tends to the value in the absence of crowders. Secondly, polymers in moderate size generally impede chain looping due to the enhanced viscosity. However, in HS fluids, the looping time exhibits a rather complicated variation with increasing HS size. We show a possible mechanism where in the case of small crowders with a relatively strong compaction in the probed chain, the looping kinetics can be facilitated. As the crowder size increases, the collapse effect is reduced and looping is dominated by viscosity-induced inhibition. Simultaneously, our theory rationalizes another possibility of the mechanism observed by recent simulation work. We conclude that the looping kinetics in specific systems actually should be governed by the critical competition between the two crowding factors. By giving reasonable measurements of effective viscosity and collapse, our theoretical framework can provide a unified strategy to analyze crowding effects on the looping rate in a systematic manner.