Issue 16, 2019

Solubility and activity of a phosphinosulfonate palladium catalyst in water with different surfactants


Water-soluble phosphinosulfonate palladium complexes were synthesized by coordination of a surfactant to the metal center. The ethylene polymerization activity of the corresponding catalyst was probed. The surfactant and pH of the solution are shown to influence the activity. A phosphated surfactant resulted in polymerization with the highest activity and stability.

Graphical abstract: Solubility and activity of a phosphinosulfonate palladium catalyst in water with different surfactants

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
30 Jan 2019
13 Mar 2019
First published
21 Mar 2019

Polym. Chem., 2019,10, 1988-1992

Author version available

Solubility and activity of a phosphinosulfonate palladium catalyst in water with different surfactants

C. Boucher-Jacobs, B. Li, C. M. Schroeder and D. Guironnet, Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 1988 DOI: 10.1039/C9PY00154A

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