Issue 10, 2019

Recent advances in the synthesis of gem-dimethylcyclobutane natural products


Covering: January 2000 to July 2018

gem-Dimethylcyclobutanes are a common motif found in a multitude of natural products, and thus these structures have captivated synthetic chemists for years. However, until the turn of the century, most synthetic efforts relied upon the use of widely available terpenes, such as pinene or caryophyllene, that already contain the gem-dimethylcyclobutane motif. This approach limits the scope of molecules that can be accessed readily. This review highlights recent syntheses in which the gem-dimethylcyclobutane is assembled via de novo approaches. An outlook on the future of this research area is also provided.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in the synthesis of gem-dimethylcyclobutane natural products

Article information

Article type
01 Oct 2018
First published
11 Mar 2019

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2019,36, 1383-1393

Recent advances in the synthesis of gem-dimethylcyclobutane natural products

Erin N. Hancock, J. M. Wahl and M. K. Brown, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2019, 36, 1383 DOI: 10.1039/C8NP00083B

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