Issue 22, 2019

Synthesis and characterization of aminopyridine iron(ii) chloride catalysts for isoprene polymerization: sterically controlled monomer enchainment


In this study, a series of 2-R-6-(1-(alkylamino)methyl)pyridine-iron complexes [alkyl: (CPh3) Fe1H; (CHPh2) Fe2H; (CHPh2) Fe3Me; (CHMePh) Fe4H; (CH2Ph) Fe5H; (CHMe2) Fe6H; (C6H11) Fe7H; (CH2(4-OMe)Ph) Fe8H; (CH2(4-CF3)Ph) Fe9H; (CH2(2,4,6-Me3)Ph) Fe10H; (CH2Ph) Fe11Me] were synthesized and well characterized by ATR-IR spectroscopy, HRMS spectroscopy and elemental analysis. In addition, Fe3Me, Fe4H, Fe7H and Fe11Me were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis: Fe3Me and Fe11Me adopted distorted tetrahedral geometries in the solid state while Fe4H and Fe7H were found in dimeric or polymeric forms respectively in which chlorides acted as bridging ligands. The catalytic capacities of these iron complexes were investigated for isoprene polymerization. Upon activation with a MAO cocatalyst, the catalytic activities of complexes varied as a function of the steric and electronic influences of substituents. In general, the catalysts bearing the least steric groups and electron-withdrawing groups exhibited relatively high activities. An outstanding activity of 190.6 × 104 g·mol−1·h−1 was obtained by Fe5H [CH2Ph]. Moreover, changes in the steric hindrance around the metal center showed a notable effect on the selectivity of monomer enchainment. In particular, most of the polymers obtained by these complexes bearing flexible frameworks were in favor of 3,4-enchainment.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and characterization of aminopyridine iron(ii) chloride catalysts for isoprene polymerization: sterically controlled monomer enchainment

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
31 Jan 2019
26 Apr 2019
First published
10 May 2019

Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 7862-7874

Synthesis and characterization of aminopyridine iron(II) chloride catalysts for isoprene polymerization: sterically controlled monomer enchainment

C. Jing, L. Wang, Q. Mahmood, M. Zhao, G. Zhu, X. Zhang, X. Wang and Q. Wang, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 7862 DOI: 10.1039/C9DT00452A

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