Issue 10, 2019

Novel superconducting structures of BH2 under high pressure


The crystal structures of boron hydrides in a pressure range of 50–400 GPa were studied using the genetic algorithm (GA) method combined with first-principles density functional theory calculations. BH4 and BH5 are predicted to be thermodynamically unstable. Two new BH2 structures with Cmcm and C2/c space group symmetries, respectively, were predicted, in which the B atoms tend to form two-dimensional sheets. The calculated band structures showed that in the pressure range of 50–150 GPa, the Cmcm-BH2 phase has very small gaps, while the C2/c-BH2 phase at 200–400 GPa is metallic. The superconductivity of the C2/c-BH2 structure was also investigated, and electron–phonon coupling calculations revealed that the estimated Tc values of C2/c-BH2 are about 28.18–37.31 K at 250 GPa.

Graphical abstract: Novel superconducting structures of BH2 under high pressure

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Article information

Article type
17 Jan 2019
04 Feb 2019
First published
06 Feb 2019

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019,21, 5466-5473

Novel superconducting structures of BH2 under high pressure

W. Yang, W. Lu, S. Li, X. Xue, Q. Zang, K. M. Ho and C. Z. Wang, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 5466 DOI: 10.1039/C9CP00310J

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