Issue 35, 2018

Linear defects forming the ground state of polar free standing smectic-C* films


In this paper we report on observations of unusual linear defects forming spontaneously in polar free-standing smectic-C* films near the temperatures of thinning transitions. At high temperature a periodic structure of defects becomes the ground state of the system. We found that the defects are characterized by continuous rotation of the molecular orientation with a change of the sense of the rotation across the defects. We develop a simple theoretical model that describes the observed behavior. The structure of the defects is governed by the competition between two-dimensional quadratic and linear orientational elasticity. The proposed model explains the origin of the linear defects, the periodic structure and their transformation with temperature and chirality of the liquid crystal.

Graphical abstract: Linear defects forming the ground state of polar free standing smectic-C* films

Article information

Article type
22 Jun 2018
13 Aug 2018
First published
17 Aug 2018

Soft Matter, 2018,14, 7174-7179

Linear defects forming the ground state of polar free standing smectic-C* films

P. V. Dolganov, E. I. Kats, V. K. Dolganov and P. Cluzeau, Soft Matter, 2018, 14, 7174 DOI: 10.1039/C8SM01276H

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