Issue 35, 2018

Recent advances in the delivery of hydrogen sulfide via a macromolecular approach


Engineered macromolecules such as polymer conjugates, micelles, hydrogels and nanofibers continue to attract interest as drug delivery systems due to their potential to improve therapeutic outcomes. One area where engineered macromolecules have considerable potential is in the delivery of endogenous signalling molecules, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Until recently the application and investigation of H2S was limited to the use of small molecule donors, although the use of macromolecular systems may confer considerable advantages. This mini review provides a brief overview of recent advances in the use of macromolecules as H2S donors. In particular, we examine the use of materials that release H2S both spontaneously and in response to chemical or physical triggers. In many of the highlighted examples macromolecules are reported to provide precise, controlled and sustained production of H2S, demonstrating their potential as advanced platforms for H2S delivery.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in the delivery of hydrogen sulfide via a macromolecular approach

Article information

Article type
23 Jun 2018
06 Aug 2018
First published
14 Aug 2018

Polym. Chem., 2018,9, 4431-4439

Author version available

Recent advances in the delivery of hydrogen sulfide via a macromolecular approach

M. C. Urquhart, F. Ercole, M. R. Whittaker, B. J. Boyd, T. P. Davis and J. F. Quinn, Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 4431 DOI: 10.1039/C8PY00938D

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