Issue 14, 2016

Photocatalytic water oxidation via combination of BiVO4–RGO and molecular cobalt catalysts


A BiVO4–reduced graphene oxide (RGO) composite in conjugation with the cubic molecular complex Co4O4(O2CMe)4(py)4 (py = pyridine) has been found to be highly efficient towards visible light-driven water oxidation. A 4-fold enhancement in the average oxygen evolution rate and 100% yield based on the consumption of the sacrificial electron acceptor were obtained upon the addition of molecular cocatalysts to BiVO4–RGO in pure water.

Graphical abstract: Photocatalytic water oxidation via combination of BiVO4–RGO and molecular cobalt catalysts

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Article information

Article type
19 Nov 2015
14 Jan 2016
First published
14 Jan 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 3050-3053

Photocatalytic water oxidation via combination of BiVO4–RGO and molecular cobalt catalysts

Y. Wang, F. Li, H. Li, L. Bai and L. Sun, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 3050 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC09588C

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