Issue 29, 2016

Structural phase transition, depolarization and enhanced pyroelectric properties of (Pb1−1.5xLax)(Zr0.66Sn0.23Ti0.11)O3 solid solution


(Pb1−1.5xLax)(Zr0.66Sn0.23Ti0.11)O3 (PLZST) (x = 0–0.024) ceramics were designed based on chemical composition modification and fabricated using the conventional solid-state method. Structural phase transition, thermal depolarization and pyroelectric properties of the PLZST system were investigated systematically. Phase structures of various chemical compositions in the PLZST system were discussed based on the electronegativity difference versus tolerance factor relationship phase diagram. Enhanced pyroelectric response with a value of 14.01 μC cm−2 K−1 was realized for the ceramics with x = 0.018, which is far larger than the previously reported values. The results indicated that there was a quadratic function relationship between the pyroelectric peak temperature (Tpeak) and composition (x): Tpeak = 182 + 404x − 3.0 × 105x2. The composition dependence of the wide range pyroelectric response over 19–185 °C was obtained by changing x from 0 to 0.024. Our results also reveal that the enhanced and wide temperature range pyroelectric properties of the composition-optimized PLZST system are of great significance to pyroelectric technology.

Graphical abstract: Structural phase transition, depolarization and enhanced pyroelectric properties of (Pb1−1.5xLax)(Zr0.66Sn0.23Ti0.11)O3 solid solution

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Article information

Article type
01 Apr 2016
26 Jun 2016
First published
28 Jun 2016

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016,4, 7110-7118

Structural phase transition, depolarization and enhanced pyroelectric properties of (Pb1−1.5xLax)(Zr0.66Sn0.23Ti0.11)O3 solid solution

F. Zhuo, Q. Li, J. Gao, Y. Wang, Q. Yan, Z. Xia, Y. Zhang and X. Chu, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 4, 7110 DOI: 10.1039/C6TC01326K

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