Issue 85, 2016

Solid state conversion of a double helix thallium(i) coordination polymer to a corrugated tape silver(i) polymer


We observed the solid state conversion of a nanostructured TlI coordination polymer with a double helix chain structure, prepared by a sonochemical procedure, to a nanostructured corrugated tape silver(I) polymer via the mechanochemical reaction of [Tl(μ2-dcpa)]n (1) [Hdcpa = 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid] with AgNO3. The internal packing of these two compounds looked similar and low-energy structural changes allowed the conversion to occur smoothly. The transformation was irreversible as a result of the formation of stronger Ag–O bonds (in 2) compared with the initial Tl–O bonds (in 1). There are weak interaction planes in the crystal packing of 1, so the structure is not mechanically rigid, which allows Ag ions to penetrate the lattice and form stronger bonds.

Graphical abstract: Solid state conversion of a double helix thallium(i) coordination polymer to a corrugated tape silver(i) polymer

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Article information

Article type
12 Apr 2016
15 Aug 2016
First published
15 Aug 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 82447-82449

Solid state conversion of a double helix thallium(I) coordination polymer to a corrugated tape silver(I) polymer

M. Moeinian, K. Akhbari, S. Kawata and R. Ishikawa, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 82447 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA09423F

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