Issue 30, 2016

Layer-by-layer assembled PMMA-SH/CdSe–Au nanocomposite thin films and the optical limiting property


PMMA-SH/CdSe–Au nanocomposite thin films have been constructed by a layer-by-layer (LBL) assembly method. The LBL assembly process is carried out in a nonpolar solvent by the combination of photopolymerization and adsorption of CdSe–Au nanoparticles. Absorption spectra suggest that the LBL assembly is performed in a stepwise and uniform way. The optical, morphological, thermal, and optical limiting properties of the resultant PMMA-SH/CdSe–Au nanocomposite thin films are characterized by transmission, TEM, TGA and laser measurements. The LBL assembled PMMA-SH/CdSe–Au nanocomposite thin films exhibit good thermal stability, transparency, and optical limiting response to a 532 nm pulsed laser. The optical limiting threshold of the PMMA-SH/CdSe–Au nanocomposite thin film is 13 J cm−2. This study provides a robust and efficient strategy for fabricating transparent polymeric thin films with laser optical limiting property.

Graphical abstract: Layer-by-layer assembled PMMA-SH/CdSe–Au nanocomposite thin films and the optical limiting property

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Article information

Article type
31 Jan 2016
29 Feb 2016
First published
02 Mar 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 25401-25408

Layer-by-layer assembled PMMA-SH/CdSe–Au nanocomposite thin films and the optical limiting property

F. Jin, M. Zheng, Z. Liu, Y. Fan, K. Xu, Z. Zhao and X. Duan, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 25401 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA02893D

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