Issue 104, 2015

Detection of a high photoresponse at zero bias from a highly conducting ZnO:Ga based UV photodetector


Ga-doped ZnO (GZO) based ultraviolet photodetectors (PDs) were fabricated by dual ion beam sputtering with a metal–semiconductor–metal structure. The room-temperature operable PD demonstrated responsivity of 58 mA W−1 at zero bias, which is 15 times larger than that reported on similar material grown by a different physical vapour deposition process, with internal and external quantum efficiency values of ∼22.5% and 37.4%. The unbiased photodetection is attributed to the tunnelling of electrons due to heavy doping of GZO and built-in electric field due to different barriers at the two metal semiconductor contacts. The asymmetry in the electrodes was investigated by temperature-dependent current–voltage measurements.

Graphical abstract: Detection of a high photoresponse at zero bias from a highly conducting ZnO:Ga based UV photodetector

Article information

Article type
15 Jul 2015
05 Oct 2015
First published
05 Oct 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 85523-85529

Author version available

Detection of a high photoresponse at zero bias from a highly conducting ZnO:Ga based UV photodetector

P. Sharma, R. Singh, V. Awasthi, S. K. Pandey, V. Garg and S. Mukherjee, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 85523 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA13921J

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