Issue 45, 2015

Rapid and selective detection of viruses using virus-imprinted polymer films


We prepared a nanopatterned polymer film of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) via virus imprinting. The imprinted surface exhibited nanoscale cavities with the mean size of 120 ± 4 nm. These cavities demonstrated the ability to preferentially capture a target virus from an aqueous suspension of ultralow volume (5 μL) after only 1 minute of contact. Two inactivated viruses with similar shape, Influenza A (HK68) and Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV), were employed as model pathogens. The polymer film, which was first imprinted with HK68 and exposed sequentially to suspensions containing fluorescently labeled NDV and HK68, was able to preferentially bind HK68 at a capture ratio of 1 : 8.0. When we reversed the procedure and imprinted with NDV, the capture ratio was 1 : 7.6. These results were obtained within 20 minutes of static exposure. The suspensions contained viruses at concentrations close to those occurring physiologically in influenza infections. The limit of detection was approximately 8 fM. Production of virus-imprinted films can be readily scaled to large quantities and yields a disposable, simple-to-use device that allows for rapid detection of viruses.

Graphical abstract: Rapid and selective detection of viruses using virus-imprinted polymer films

Article information

Article type
06 Sep 2015
15 Oct 2015
First published
19 Oct 2015

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 18998-19003

Author version available

Rapid and selective detection of viruses using virus-imprinted polymer films

A. Karthik, K. Margulis, K. Ren, R. N. Zare and L. W. Leung, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 18998 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR06114H

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